
Golden Retriever

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TBL Blood Of Dragons

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

TBL Blood Of Dragons
SHR Goldmine's Georgia On My Mind
Beards Creeks Red Ledger
Zuko Hagerty BCK
Bck Red Brickhouse (OFA GR-133123G24M-VPI)
SHR All Around Red Hot Best Seller FTN (OFA GR-133383E25F-VPI)
HR Beards Creeks Nala SH
Beard's Creeks Fourth Time's A Charm RN FCAT DE DMX TKI CD
Olivia Mae Pusateri
Lamon's Goldeneye Oak
Golden King Archie DS
Titans Emmie Rose
TBL Golden Nugget
Windy Ridge Red Head Drake
Top Dog-Maverick "Beards Creek"
SHR Bayou Indian Outlaw
GRHRCH(3) Runs Creek Red Hot Titan MH MNR OS (OFA GR-109739G28M-VPI)
HRCH Red Devil's Chances R MH (25) WCX *** (OFA GR-116451E46M-NOPI)
HR Rocky Mountain Charlemagne (OFA GR-109805G28M-VPI)
HRCH UH Runs Creek's Show Me The Money (OFA GR-96011G24M-VPI)
Princess Glenn Bailey
Young's Princess Of Payne
C&J Queen Gailene
Highbrass Fives Last Boy Scout
HRCH UH Runs Creek's Meant To Be OD (OFA GR-94076F29F-VPI)
HRCH Knight Payne Stewart (OFA GR-75654F26M-NOPI)
Princess Julia Mae
Rusty Balinger Dude
Hudson XIII
Princess Nicole of Nicolet
GRHRCH UH Young's Princess Gabrielle (OFA GR-75371F24F-PI)
Libby's Bonafide Boogie Man
Sauvie's Sweet Andi Line
Boogie's Jazzmine of Charlton MH OD (OFA GR-71786E29F-PI)
Charlton's Benjamin Barley CDX RE
Runs Creek's Fiddle Of Gold (OFA GR-98688F24F-VPI)
Golden Colorado Jake JH (OFA GR-77381G24M-PI)
High Plain's Lancer (OFA GR-78228G27M-NOPI)
Golden Colorado Princess Maddie JH (OFA GR-80527G24F-PI)
Sungold's Sienna Luke
Sungold Chase (OFA GR-74081F24M-PI)
Sungold Rocket
HRCH Emmie Lou Greenwing MH (OFA GR-121876G25F-VPI)
Bacon's Sharp Shooter Annie Oakley SH (OFA GR-119406E29F-VPI)
Niethammer's Theodore Mundo Jones
Governor The Noble Golden
Hunt's Steele Single Reed MH WCX (OFA GR-128400G62M-VPI)
Beaufort's Bell Fowle Finesse SH (OFA GR-128481G48F-VPI)
McCoy's Echo Callin' Your Name MH
Blymire Road's Gas In The Tank
Golden Isles Sunrise (OFA GR-128956G50F-VPI)
Real Gold Mccoy's Governor SH (OFA GR-94943G36M-PI)
Real Gold Sagamore Kriet MH ***
HR Real Gold Westcoast Dynamo Can SH WCX CGC (OFA GR-91872G24F-PI)
Real Gold Hi-Ki Zoom Zoom Zena (OFA GR-91818G24F-PI)
Real Gold Hollerback Girl
AFC Honeycreek's Jammin' Jaco MH OS (OFA GR-51730E26M-T)
Rug-ged Bugarug O' Honeycreek MH WCX (OFA GR-51254G25M)
Mitchell's Sir Gordon (OFA GR-50445F30M-T)
SR Rug-ged Hell Bound CD JH WC (OFA GR-56941G24F-T)
Honeycreeks Moon Over Miami Can CD UKC CDX WC CDX (OFA GR-49918F28M)
Highland Kiowa Shooting Star MH *** OD (OFA GR-64637G29F)
Highland Takes My Fancy MH WCX *** (OFA GR-63347F26F-T)
Highland Rip Rorin Sooner CD JH WCX
Highland Paper Moon MH WCX **
Highland's Zack Attack
Highland Titian Triton
Highlands Little Miss Zoe (OFA GR-66659G35F)
Highland Magistri
Highland Chance Of Flurries CD, NA
SR Highland Hoya MH WCX OS (OFA GR-62834G24M-T)
McCoys Acappella Adirondac Crescendo MH (OFA GR-109203G43F-VPI)
Adirondac Sparkling Waters CD RE NA NAJ
URO2 HRCH WR Adirondac Mountain Renegade UD MH RA TKN WCX CCA VC CL1-F (Unknown Did not pass)
Adirondac She's Off the Hook CD RN OA OAJ OF FM
Adirondac Tea Party MH WCX CCA OD (OFA GR-105331G25F-VPI)
Adirondac Moonlight Magic Eclipse MH WCX (OFA GR-103964G44F-VPI)
HR Adirondac Red Hot Karma Candy CD SH RE WC CGC
Adirondac Lowcountry Rimini JH
Adirondac Sir Charles MH
FTCH Adirondac Tea for Two WC **
Ambertrail's Adirondac Escapee WC, AGNJ, AGIP, AGN, AADC,AGDC, MSDC, MGDC (OFA GR-105861G26M-VPI)
Light Farm's Cooper MH WC *** OS (OFA GR-85355G32M-PI)
Lightfarm Highland Sassylass ** (OFA GR-86706G30F-VPI)
Light Farm's Golden Tamarack
Lightfarm's Windswept Moxie SH WC
Lt Farm Green Mountain Gold MH WCX ***
Cumulus Mcduff Of Lightfarm WC
Eleanor Rugby of Light Farm
Light Farm Birdseye Maple
Light Farm's Purdey Browne *** (OFA GR-94090F27F-NOPI)
Light Farm's The Great Divide *** (OFA GR-95986G35M-VPI)
Light Farm's Took The Water (OFA GR-85804G26F-PI)
Adirondac Gold Standard CD MH WCX CCA CGC VC OD (OFA GR-86262G24F-PI)
Bodhi Sattva Adirondac
Adirondac Prince H.R.H. Charley
Pes Poppyjohn N'Altair
Java Bean Of Adirondac On Howlett Hill Rd
MHR HRCH Adirondac Bustd at the Bordr UD MH AXP AJP WCX OS CCA VCX CL3 PK2 PD1 (OFA GR-90950G40M-PI)

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