
Golden Retriever

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Goldpuppies Morning Valley Win Finny

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Goldpuppies Morning Valley Win Finny (AKC SS16393209)
Goldpuppies Morning Valley Stella (AKC SS16393201)
Goldpuppies Luck O' Sir Finnegan (AKC SR84327703)
Goldpuppies Luck O' Ms Rosie (AKC SR84327704)
Red Rock's Lady Isabella Ahdonna (AKC SR81453001)
Reagan Of Rolling Oaks (AKC SR91689204)
Red Rock's Beacon Bella (AKC SR78343304)
Goldpuppies Finnegan's Sarah (AKC SR78343301 (9-15))
AmGCH/U.CH-SHR/INT'L.CH Wyoming's Luck O' The Irish CGC TDI RN CDX JH VC BISS (AKC SR49839402 (6-10))
Nat'l/Int'l BIS CH. Wyoming's Irish Cream CGC TDI (AKC SR49839401 (10-10))
BIS BISS AM GCH Avalor's INXS BVISS OS SDHF (AKC SR23708901 (3-06))
CH Avalors Goin to Xtremes (AKC SR 23708903)
Avalor's X Marx the Spot
AM CH. Wyoming's Perfect Location CGC (AKC SR020675/01)
AM CH. Wyoming Teddybear Perfectstorm (AKC SR02067511)
Wyoming Just 'Bout Perfect (AKC SR020675/05)
AM/CN CH. Wyoming Perfect Oneeyed Jack (AKC SR020675/06)
Am./Can. CH. Wyoming DocMars Perfect Poison (AKC SR02067510)
Red Rock's Indy Sunrise (AKC SR57351501)
Decorahs Il Mio Amico Migliore (AKC SR25740701)
Decorah Highmark Clementine (AKC SR25740708)
Decorah-Aragorns White Wizard (AKC SR25740702)
Red Rock's Racin' Reno (AKC SR32673206)
Old Oak's Big Shoes to Fill SH WCX (AKC SR32673209)
HR UH Old Oak's Highland Hunter SH WC (AKC SR32673201)
Chili's Redhot Habenaro (AKC SR32673204)
Old Oak Tesora (AKC SR32673205)
Old Oak's Redhot Hemi (AKC SR32673207)
Old Oak's Coeur Des Grand Bois (AKC SR32673208)
Old Oak's Scarlet (AKC SR32673202)
Old Oak's Golden Bear JH (AKC SR27467401)
Legacy Of The Morning Valley (AKC SS05045603)
The Guardian Of The Morning Valley
Int'l CH Blue Moon Of The Morning Valley (AKC SS05045602)
Pandorra of the Morning Valley (FCI 3066085)
Chronicles of the Morning Valley (AKC SS05045601)
Fahrenheit of the Morning Valley (AKC SS15055203)
Invictus of the Morning Valley (AKC SS15055201)
Silver Shadow of the morning valley
JCh.& DTS.CH. Zampanzar Blue Note (FCI LOE 1991705)
Int.Ch. IABCA Zampanzar Just White CCA (FCI LOE1991706)
Zampanzar Once Again
UCI Nat. & Int. CH Zampanzar Silver Rain (AKC SR71911002 (3-13))
GBZ JCH Dewmist Silver Zampanzar (FCI LOE1411717)
Dewmist Silver Drake (Other S48063/2003)
ChRus, RKF, RRC, JChRus Dewmist Silver Dust (Other S48064/2003)
Dewmist Silver Dawn (Other S48066/2003)
Dewmist Silver Dame (Other S48067/2003)
Dewmist Silver Day (Other S48068/2003)
Dewmist Silver Dahlia (Other S48969/2003)
Dewmist Silver Dime (Other S48970/2003)
Can Ch Dewmist Silver Diamond (CKC 1082050)
SPA CH, PT CH Zampanzar Sky At Night (FCI LOE 1580582)
Zampanzar Finn Shadow
Zampanzar Samsara's Eyes (Other LOE 1580581)
Azores Winner'07 Zampanzar Night And Day (FCI LOE)
C.I.E , SPA/PT/GBZ CH Zampanzar Step By Step (FCI LOE)
Trialer, INT/SPA CH Zampanzar Fly Away (LOE 15808576)
Zampanzar Kiss of Life
DTS. CH. , VDH.CH Passionate of the Morning Valley (FCI NHSB 2908063)
President Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR77641703 (12-16))
Papermoon of the Morning Valley
CIE ?CH. HRSHCH. SLOSHCH. ?JCH. SLOJCH. HRJCH. Prerogative of the Morning Valley (FCI ?HZB GR 6780A)
Priority Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR77641701)
Pamberly of the morning valley
Peaches of the Morning Valley
Preston of the Morning Valley
Polar Express Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR77641702)
EW'15, Multi Ch. Majik Truth Or Dare NL/D/VDH/LUX/INT/SE/DK BDSG '10, Am.Winner '10 (Other FIN25993/09)
Majik Belle Of The Ball
EEJW-11 Majik Zia Monica (FCI FI32110/10)
C.I.E.-SEU(U)CH-DKCH(U)-NORDUCH-NUCH-EECH-LVCH Majik Zero To Hero (FCI SE46134/2010)
Majik Zest For Life (AKC SR63288301)
Majik Trendy Wendy (FCI FI25996/09)
Majik Bus-Stop Madonna (FCI FI59570/11)
Aust.Ch Majik Truly Julie (FCI FI25997/09)
Lady Apple of the Morning Valley
DTS. CH. & VDH CH. Santiago of the Morning Valley ES'10 (Other NHSB2679276)
Shakespeare Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR50279303 (7-10))
Sammy Jo Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR50279301 (12-09))
Sheer Magic of the Morning Valley
Life Style Of The Morning Valley
Stormcloud Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR50279302 (9-09))
MULTI. CH., CIE Sheamus of the Morning Valley
Lullaby Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR67293601)

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