
Golden Retriever

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Gallantrys Damon Salvatore

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Gallantrys Damon Salvatore
Gallantry's ZPD One of D Boy
Gallantrys Daenerys of Black Rose
BIS3 Ph HOF Int Ch JCh PHW'19 Golden Heaven Whisky Johnie SOM
Braz.CH Golden Heaven Whisky Hibiki
Golden Heaven Whisky Balvenie
BIS Am GCh Jp GCh Arg Br Ch Golden Trip Maximus Dexter
Maximus Golden Trip Fabulous Darling
MBISS MBIS GCHB CH AM CH BRA Maximus Golden Trip Fabulous Mateo SDHF
AmCH Golden Trip Maximus Fabulous Dorah
Am CH Maximus Golden Trip Glamorous Until The End
BPISS, AmGCH CH Maximus Golden Trip Glamorous Likeme OD
BISS KCT CH Maximus Golden Trip Fabulous Marilyn (8 years)
Golden Trip Maximus Diva
Maximus Golden Trip Glamorous In The Show
Am GCH Osprey's On Angels' Wings OS (8.5 years)
BIS Gr Ch Am Br Goldentrip Babalu
Evertop's Sunrise Legacy
Am CH/ BIS BISS PRC GCH Rush Hill's Dream'N About Ice Cream
CH Klasique's The Dreaming Tree
CH Klasique's Chasing My Dreams
Forever's Fashion Forward
Forever's Strike A Pose BISS
Forever's First And Goal (8.5 years)
BPBIS Ph GCh Jr Ch Gallantrys Arya at Blk Rose
Phil Ch Dreyers Fist of Legend
MBVIS Ph HOF Ph GCh Int Ch Overlake 'N Goslings Twins No Skeptic At Zippidee SDHF GSOM (10.5 years)
BISS Am Ch Happy Hr Highmark Bad News Bears CDX SH AX AXJ OF WCX SDHF OS VCX (10.5 years)
Happy Hour Highmark League of Her Own
Happy Hour Highmark Badder Up
Happy Hour Highmark I Have A Dream (9 years)
Gosling's Isn't She Lovely
Gosling's Jack Of All Trades
Gosling's Shall We Dance At Rensselaer
MBVIS Ph HOF Ph GCh Dreyers Creme Brulee at ZPD SDHF (11 years)
Ph Ch Dreyers Cinnamon Dutch
Ph HOF Dreyers Cool Smoothie
Ph Grand Ch Dreyers Claire De Lune
Ph HOF Zippidee Magicl Talisman (Grand Sire of Merit)
Ph Gr Ch Zippidee Magical Spell
PH GR CH Zippidee Magic S Charm
Ph Ch Zippidee Magic Amulet
Ph Ch Zippidee Magic's A' Brewin'
PH HOF Zippidee Magic of Beracah
PH HOF Zippidee Magical Galaxias
BIS Phil. HOF Zippidee Chic's in the Mood (Dam of Merit)
BISS Ph HOF Zippidee Moody Mood For Chico

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