
Golden Retriever

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Forever The Art Of Racing In The Rain

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Forever The Art Of Racing In The Rain
GCHS Summits Fireline Medal Of Honor SDHF OS
CH Summits Crimson And Clover
MBISS AmGChB\Can Ch Summits Golden Slam Princess TKA; CGC; DJ; BCAT;CCA
Summit Hill Crest High Society
CH Summits Fireline Public Outcry OS
BIS GCHS CH Summit's Don'T Cry Over Spilled Milk OD SDHF
GCHB CH Summit's Laugh Until You Cry
Ch. Summit's For Crying Out Loud
CH Summits Cry At The Drop of A Hat
Am-Can CH Venture Redog's Magic Hat Trick OS (10.5 years)
CH Venture What Becomes A Legend
BIS BISS GCHP2 CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag OD SDHF (15 years)
Summits I'll Be Back
Summits Back To The Grind
Summits To The Moon And Back
Summits Confetti Backfire
CH. Summits Shake Up A Hytree
CH Summits Moving On Up
Ch. Summit Venture's Hickory Dickory Dock
CH Summits Backseat Betty
Multi.BIS BISS Asia.Int.Am.Kor GCH. Summits The Vanilla Sky SDHF
GCH CH Summit's Confetti Thumbs Up OS
Summit's Up A Creek At Lakesyde
BIS BISS GCH CH Summits Sonny Side Up OS SDHF
GCH CH Summit's Up Town Girl RN CGC OD (12 years)
GCH CH Summits Back By Popular Demand SDHF
Summits Confetti Back Off Beach
Am/Can CH Sombra's Just My Style
BISS AmGCH BISS CanCH Verdoro Tellise Arrowsmith Am/Can OS (6.5 years)
Can Ch Verdoro's Chunky Monkey OD (9 years)
Am Can Ch Verdoro's Itsakadoozie RN CGN Can SDHF (12.5 years)
BISS Am Ch BIS BISS Can Ch Verdoro's Triple Chill SDHF (10 years)
Am Can Ch Verdoro's Flight of The Arrow (10 years)
Can Ch Verdoro's Crazy Licks
Verdoro's Tiramisu
Sombra's Leap Of Faith
CH Summits Fireline Premium Payoff
Forever Goodfield Monkey Sea Monkey Do
Goodfield's Sea La Vie
Goodfield's Fair Winds And Following Seas
Goodfields Sea'n The Northern Lights At Northwoods
BIS BISS BVISS Am GCH CH Rush Hill's All Fools On Deck SDHF OS (8 years)
Rush Hill's Nobody's Fool
Rush Hill's Who's the Fool Now
Am CH Rush Hill's Foolish Pleasure OS
Am CH Rush Hill's Spectacular Bid
Am/Int CH Rush Hill's Next Seattle Slew (8.5 years)
Am.Ch. Rush Hill's Winning Colors
Rush Hills Derby Darlin
Rush Hill's Northern Dancer
Am CH Rush Hill's Crime Of Passion OD (12 years)
Rush Hill's Passion Fur Fashion
Rush Hills Island Gypsy
Rush Hill's In The Heat Of Passion
Forever Goodfield's Call Me Maybe CD RN BN
Forever's Red Sails In The Sunset
CH Forever You Make Me Wanna BOSS
Forever Let's Get It On
CH Teko Goodfield Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt TD RN BN (12 years)
Masters Teko Without A Doubt
CH. My Buddy's Coco Cabana Banana OD (13.5 years)
My Buddy's Orange U Glad
My Buddy's Blue 'N Gold CD RN
KaraGold's What Golds Round Comes Round BISS
BOSS Ch. My Buddy's Pretty In Pink RN, WC, VC, OD (9.5 years)
My Buddy's Ain't E-Z Bein' Green CD JH RE WC CGC
MBIS MBISS GCH CH SHR My Buddy's Boppity-Bop Blue Moon CD JH DJ RA WC VC SDHF OS CGC (13 years)
My Buddy's Unsinkable Molly Brown

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