
Golden Retriever

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Biss.#3BIS.Br.GCh.Pan Am.GCh.Japan CH. Fly Golden Us and Them

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Biss.#3BIS.Br.GCh.Pan Am.GCh.Japan CH. Fly Golden Us and Them
BR GCH. PAN AM GCH. CAN GCH. Fly Golden Show Me The Way
Br Ch Fly Golden Victoria The Queen
Fly Golden Bono Vox
Fly Golden Sol
Fly Golden Ross (3 years)
Br Ch Golden Machine Top Gun
BIS BISS. BrCh. BrGrCh. PanCh. MexCh. UrugCh. Golden Sunset's and G. Trip Jazz Dante
BrJovCh., BR Ch Golden Sunset's and G Trip Jazz Duke
Golden Sunset's and G Trip Jazz Desiree
Golden Sunset's and G Trip Dylan
Br.Ch, Gr.Ch, Pan. Ch., Ch Int Chasse Blue Moon
Chasse Petruccio
Fly Golden Machine Maya
Br. Ch, Pan. Ch. Chasse BH Leopoldo
Chasse BH Camila
Duda Aquatic Goldens
Puppy Ch. Fly Golden Killer Queen
Br.GCh.Pan Am.GCh Fly Golden Don't Stop Me Now
Br.Ch.Pan.Ch.Br.GCh.PanGch Fly Golden Johnny Cash
Nautilus Bristol Savassi
M.BISS.AM.KOR.INT.NTG.AKU.CH. Nautilus Jose Aldo At Buma Club
Nautilus Vidia At River Wind
GCH CH Nautilus Aneira
Am GCH CH Nautilus Aljendro OS
Nautilus Chico Time
Nautilus Golden Sunshine Demi
Nautilus Victoria Zoe
Fly GoldenJessie
Fly Golden Blue
Br Ch Golden Machine Top Gun
Ch Br Peterwhite aloha girl
Peterwhite's Drop Boy
Peterwhite's Mahalo Boy
Peterwhite's Grommett Boy
CH Peterwhite's Shape Boy (2 years)
Peterwhite's Brown Sugar

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