
Golden Retriever

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Avanzar's Now Or Never

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Avanzar's Now Or Never
Avanzars Nothing But Truth of Boselines
IND CH, RUS JCH Ashbury Indiana Jones (0)
Ashbury I Am The Queen
INT CH, SE CH, SWISS JCH Jako's Mystic Touch (0:0)
N UCH Jako's Mona Lisa
Jako's Misaki
Jako's Miyoko
Jako's Michelangelo
Jako's Maximilian
Jako's Micklaus Mellon
Jako's Musthave (FCI 0-0)
NO UCH SE U(U)CH Trewater Tally (FCI A)
Trewater Too T'Boo S.G.W.C. (0/0)
Trewater Secret Alliance
Trewater Tribute (1/1)
Can Ch Trewater Secret Romance (OVC 0040376)
Trewater Secret Spirit at Nieghan
Trewater Secret Admirer (OFA GR-EL19813M24-VPI)
Trewater Secret Love
NORDJV-10 N UCH Jako's Hope For The Future (0/0 (FCI))
Jako's Here I come (ED 0)
Jako's Hurricane (0-0)
Ashbury French Cancan (0/0)
Tweednous Glenroy (0/0)
Ashbury Beautifull Dawn
Int Ch. - VDH Ch - Germ.JCh Ashbury Be My Baby (0/0)
IND CH Non-Stop Merilyn Monroe
Non Stop Monty Python
Non-Stop Miss Marimba (00)
Non-Stop Mandragora
Non-Stop Mr.Simon Templar (00)
Non-Stop Moulin Rouge (00)
Non-Stop Mata Hari (00)
HCH SrbCH Dainty's Big Spender (0)
Dainty's Band of Brothers
Dainty's Backstreet Boy
Dainty's Blues Boy
Dainty's Big Brother
Dainty's Beach Bum
Dainty's Blue Skies
Dainty's Bestseller
Dainty's Bright Angel
Gently's Day's of Thunder
Dainty's Forest Fairy (2005-10-02artros ua (0))
Isadorable v.d. Beerse Hoeve (0/0 OCD free)
Dutch Junior CH. Batteries Included v.d. Beerse Hoeve Junior Winner A'dam 09 (BVA 0-0)
Bizznizz Babe v.d. Beerse Hoeve (BVA 0-0)
Ballerina v.d. Beerse Hoeve (BVA 0-0)
Bon Chic van de Beerse Hoeve (ED 0-0)
WW'13, Int/Dutch/German/Lux CH, Lux JCH. Basic Blend v.d. Beerse Hoeve German Club Ch, Bundes Sieger (0-0)
Blitz Only van de Beerse Hoeve
Thank You v.d. Beerse Hoeve (BVA 0-0)
CH.PL. Toastmaster v.d.Beerse Hoeve
Dutch, German, VDH Ch, Dutch, Lux Junior Ch Take That v.d. Beerse Hoeve (BVA 0-0)

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