
Golden Retriever

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Shilo's Bella Desert Moon CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Shilo's Bella Desert Moon CGC (AKC SS19528405)
IntCH NatCH Shilos Arctic Star CGC (AKC SR63370608)
Saddlecreek Farm's Sofie (AKC SR37274801)
Can. CH. Kyon's Flaming Fire And Ice (CKC LL735509)
Kyon's Flaming Comet (CKC LL735505)
Can. CH. Dewmist Davenport Can/Am OS (CKC 1068602)
Dewmist Diamantina (Other SwedKC # S33855/98)
Dewmist Dawnwatch (Other SwedKC # S33853/98)
Dewmist Dakotah (Other SwedKC # S33852/98)
Dewmist Daylander (Other SwedKC # S33851/98)
Dewmist Dappledown (Other SwedKC # S33850/98)
Dewmist Daleview (Other SwedKC # S33849/98)
Dewmist Derringer (Other SwedKC # S33848/98)
Kyon's Kinship Flame (AKC HN545705)
Kyon's Next of Kin
Kyon's Kinship of Indian Gap (CKC HN545717CKC)
Xanthos Swanee (AKC SR27396301)
Xanthos Mississippi
Xanthos Colorado
Xanthos Hudson
Xanthos Liffey
Xanthos Tigris
Xanthos Volga
Xanthos Saskatchewan
Xanthos Mackenzie
Int,Rus,Ger,VDH Ch. / Rus. JCh. Xanthos Orinoco (Other KCR AD00804302)
Sh Ch & Ir Sh Ch Gunhills Blue River (Other KCSB 1538CG)
Gunhills Blue Rapsody
German Ch Xanthos Lah Di Dah SGWC (Other KCSB 0629CL)
Xanthos Lochniamh
Desert Moon's Lady Fiona Nutmeg CGC (AKC SS05782804)
Sonic The Hedge Dog (AKC SR86106805)
Desert Moon Jacques Cousteau (AKC SR26599305 (6-07))
Desert Moon Sunny (AKC SR77214109)
Samantha Desert Schnacker (AKC SR66849601)
Desert Moon Kassi Roo (AKC SR99319906)
Laycee Lou (AKC SR99319902)
Phoebe Precious (AKC SR99319901)
Apollo Kunani of Tule Springs (AKC SS19874305)
Desert Moon Stella Rose (AKC SR99319904)
Desert Moon Bulldozer (AKC SR90137307 (8-17))
Desert Moon Dixie (AKC SR92439107 (9-17))
Desert Moon Ranger (AKC SR92439106 (9-17))
Randall's Zoey (AKC SR92439102)
Buppy The Puppy Two CGC (AKC SR92439101)
Banks of House Karr (AKC SR92439108)
Rosy XI (AKC SR92439104)

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