
Golden Retriever

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A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Aust Ch Trigolden Highland Piper (AI) (0:0)
Aust Ch Neut Ch Trigolden Highland Lyric (0:0)
AustCh Trigolden Highland Dancer NRD ORA
Aust Grand Ch Goldog Alpine Highland
Goldog Alpine Somerset
Aust. CH. Perrecca Dorchester
Perrecca Dawn Light
Perrecca Fascination
Perrecca Duchess
Perrecca Distant Cuzan CD
Aust Ch Goldog Alpine Serra
AUST Ch Trigolden Scarlett
AUST CH Fernfall Sea Legend
Aust CH Trigolden OneandOnly
Trigolden Ima Tully Son
Trigolden Ima Gem (0/0)
Aust CH Goldog Alpine Imadreama
Goldog Alpine Iamshadow
Trigolden Just Lincoln
Aust Ch Iamgoldn Fair Dinkum
Aust Ch Iamgoldn Matilda (0:0)
Iamgoldn Walk This Way
Iamgoldn Thunder Struck
Iamgoldn Designer Label
Iamgoldn Candle in the wind
Iamgoldn Whole Lotta Rosie
Iamgoldn Bango
Aust Ch Montego the Swagman (0/0)
Aust CH Montego Mity Classy CD ET QC (0/0)
Pelliken Love Me Do
Pelliken Lovely Lady
Emperosgold Razle Dazle
Emperosgold Spice girl
Crowlee Bobby Dazler (0/0)
Aust. Champion Crowlee Lil Town Flirt
Emperosgold Lady Viola (OFA 0/0)

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