Zamfield Harry Belafonte Zamfield Henryk Sienkiewicz ROJCh, HUJCh, ROCH Zamfield Halle Berry Zamfield Ina Zamfield Humphrey Bogart Zamfield Hugh Hefner RoJCh RoCH Zamfield Hugo Boss Zamfield Helena Rubenstein Zamfield Il Duce | BalkanCH RoJCh, MdJCh, RoCH, SrbCH, MdCH, MneCH, MdGrandCH, MneGrandCH Waterbabies Hurtigruten Waterbabies Sognefjord Waterbabies Nordkapp | INT CH, SE CH, SWISS JCH Jako's Mystic Touch N UCH Jako's Mona Lisa Jako's Misaki Jako's Miyoko Jako's Michelangelo Jako's Maximilian Jako's Micklaus Mellon Jako's Musthave | | Glitters Magic Moment (7.5 years) Glitters Mister Maximilianus (11.5 years) Germ. & Danish Ch Glitters Much of Muchness (10.5 years) GrChRom, ChUa, Bye, Rom, Bul, Bal Glitters Miss Salandaterra FT-DUCK JGrChUa, JChUa, Bul, Mol, Sal, Bal | |
| IntCH (C.I.B. & C.I.E.), RoJCh,SrbJCh,BgJCh,MdJCh,MneJCh, RoCH,RoGrandCH,SrbCH,BgCH,MdCH,MdGrandCH Zamfield Enola Red Junior Speciality Winner '17, Club Winner '18, CH of CH '19, WCC Zamfield Electric Blue Zamfield Extraordinary Green Zamfield Echarpe Bordeaux Zamfield Emperor Grey Zamfield Empire of Gold Zamfield Emi Princess Zamfield Empress Pinky Zamfield English Vinglish Zamfield Eyes Candy Baby Club Winner '16, Junior Club Winner '17 | RoJCh, RoCH, SrbCH Moondust Highlander Australian CH Moondust Glenlivit Moondust Abelour JChRus,ChRus,JChNGRC,ChNGRC,ChRKF Moondust Delmoss JchUa, Mol, Breed, Ch UA, Mol, Bir, Bes Moondust Faberge JCH Moondust Estacy Moondust Tarquin Moondust Scapa Moondust Caol Ila Moondust Aberfeldy Moondust Talisker Multi BIS.Ina.Ch. Moondust Scappa | | BalkanCH, YugCH, SrbCH, MneCH Erdoalji Duchess of Zamfield (Therapy Dog) Erdoalji Dream Girl Ro J.Ch, Hu.Ch, Ro.Ch, RoCh Cum Laude Erdoalji Diamond go to Angels in Leash RJCH ERDOALJI DANCING QUEEN LETTY | V-WW'13,V-WW'15,JWW'12, HJCh,ROCH,HSCH, C.I.E. Dewmist Hope Of Harlequin SEU(u) Ch NOU Ch Dewmist Cape Of Good Hope Dewmist Handful of Hope Aust CH Dewmist Highway of Hope | RoJCh, RoCH, MdCH Bonett Bride Dease Lake BIS Speciality '14, Club Winner '15 & '16 IL CH Bonett Bride Delta Down HSCH,ROCH,SRBCH,HJCH Bonett Bride Dance All Night JCH Bonett Bride Daily News JCH Bonett Bride Daily Surprise Bonett Bride Da Vinci Code Bonett Bride Diamond Rock C.I.E., C.I.B., GrandCh CZ, JCh CZ&HU, Ch CZ,HU,SK,PL Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (The Champion of champions RK CZ 2013) |