
Golden Retriever

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Kelore Turn & Burn At Boulder Ridge

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Kelore Turn & Burn At Boulder Ridge (AKC SS08083501)
AmCH Harmony's Take Five (AKC SR70823602)
Harmony Bowbells 1 Good Riesen
Am GCH - Can CH Harmony's Candy Apple (AKC SR70823601)
Am Can CH Harmony's After Eight OD (CKC YJ419122)
GCH CH Confetti Gangway's Field N'Track OS (AKC SR46983104)
Am/Can Ch. Confetti's Sex 'N The City (AKC SR46983109)
Ch. Confetti No Spin Zone (AKC SR34865602)
BISS Am CH Confetti Spin Cycle OD (AKC SR34865601)
CH. Confetti Gangway Xspinsive Toy OD (AKC SR 34865608)
CH. Confetti X-Spinsive Habit (AKC SR34865603)
Ch. Confetti Hytree Xspinsivetaste (AKC SR34865607)
Am/Can CH Confetti Hytree Guns N Roses (AKC SR46983105 (9-10))
Am CH Confetti's Lucky-N-Love (AKC SR46983106)
Confetti Hytree What The Heck (AKC SR51561706)
Ch. Confetti Dine N Dash OD (AKC SR46983102)
BISS Am. CH Hytree's Ryd-N- Out The Storm SDHF OS (AKC SN87709103)
Hytree's May Bee A Classic (AKC SN911139/07)
Hytree's Rev'dUp N RarinToGo (AKC SN877091/01)
Hytree's Quick As A Wink (AKC SN87709105)
Hytree's Just Maybe (AKC SN91113905)
AM CH Hytree N' Honor's Mayday Malone (AKC SN91113903)
Hytree N April's Pedal To The Medal (AKC SN87709104)
CH. Hytree's I Wish I May CDX TDX WC VCX (AKC SN91113901)
BISS Am Ch Gangway's Hiphugger Bluejeans OD (AKC SR09281210)
Gangway Designer Blue Jeans (AKC SR09281209)
Can Ch Gangway Woodend Denim' n Jade
Can CH. Creeksidefrm's Candy Land (CKC UQ292897)
Creeksidefrm's Spin The Bottle (CKC UQ292893)
Creeksidefrm's Treasure Seeker
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF (AKC SN57129701 (12/00))
Summits Only The Shadow Knows (AKC SN57129702)
Am/Can CH Summits Dancin'at Dustrax CD RE CGC (AKC SN-571297/03)
Can CH Creeksidefrm's Panache CanOD (CKC MU844129)
Creeksidefrm's Hollywood Blvd (CKC M7844134)
Creeksidefrm's My Fair Lady
Can CH. Creeksidefrm's Promise Me
BIS Am/Can CH Creeksidefrm's Formandfunction Can SDHF/ JAM Grp Winner (CKC MU844123)
CreeksideFrm's Hifidelity
AmCH Kelore's Simply Unforgettable RN,CGC (AKC SR89605101)
AM.CH Gangway Kelore 911 Twin Turbo RN CGC (AKC SR61690803)
Gangway Kelore Hubba's Bubba Bubba (AKC SR68250404)
Gangway's Porsche Carrera Victory Lap CGC (AKC SR61690808)
Gangway's Little Red Coupe At Goldreams (AKC SR61690806)
Gangway's Porsche Cayenne (AKC SR68250402)
CH Gangway Forever In Bluejeans (AKC SR61690801)
AmCH Gangway Kelore TVR Vixen (AKC SR61690804)
AmCH Gangway Porsche's In The Hub At Kelore (AKC SR61690807)
BIS Am/Can Ch Klaasem's Hubba Hubba Hubba OS SDHF (AKC SR16468902 (3/05))
Klaasems R You Ready To Rumble
Prospector Klaasem U R The One
BIS/BISS Can./Am. Ch. Klaasem's Zoom Zoom Zoom Can. SDHF, Can./Am. OS (CKC NE865923)
Klaasem's Yadda Yadda Yadda
Klaasem What Legends R Made Of
CH. Confetti Gangway Xspinsive Toy OD (AKC SR 34865608)
Am/Can Ch. Confetti's Sex 'N The City (AKC SR46983109)
Ch. Confetti No Spin Zone (AKC SR34865602)
BISS Am CH Confetti Spin Cycle OD (AKC SR34865601)
CH. Confetti X-Spinsive Habit (AKC SR34865603)
Ch. Confetti Hytree Xspinsivetaste (AKC SR34865607)
GCH CH Confetti Gangway's Field N'Track OS (AKC SR46983104)
Am/Can CH Confetti Hytree Guns N Roses (AKC SR46983105 (9-10))
Am CH Confetti's Lucky-N-Love (AKC SR46983106)
Confetti Hytree What The Heck (AKC SR51561706)
Ch. Confetti Dine N Dash OD (AKC SR46983102)
Gangway Hit The Road Again To Kelore (AKC SR70182202)
Gangway Bumb In The Road To Hytree (AKC SR70182205)
Am Ch/Can GCH Gangway Bearabella's Road Warrior (AKC SR70182201)
Ch. Gangway's You Take the High Road BISS (AKC SR70182203)
GCH CH Confetti Gangway's Field N'Track OS (AKC SR46983104)
Am/Can Ch. Confetti's Sex 'N The City (AKC SR46983109)
Ch. Confetti No Spin Zone (AKC SR34865602)
BISS Am CH Confetti Spin Cycle OD (AKC SR34865601)
CH. Confetti Gangway Xspinsive Toy OD (AKC SR 34865608)
CH. Confetti X-Spinsive Habit (AKC SR34865603)
Ch. Confetti Hytree Xspinsivetaste (AKC SR34865607)
Am/Can CH Confetti Hytree Guns N Roses (AKC SR46983105 (9-10))
Am CH Confetti's Lucky-N-Love (AKC SR46983106)
Confetti Hytree What The Heck (AKC SR51561706)
Ch. Confetti Dine N Dash OD (AKC SR46983102)
CH Gangway's Early Warning Signal OD (AKC SR43987002)
Gangway's Duke Of Early (AKC SR43987003)

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