
Golden Retriever

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Wiloway Sari Samanta

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Wiloway Sari Samanta (AKC SC626709 (12-82))
Am./Can. CH. Jolly October's Chevalier SDHF (AKC SC071534 (6-79))
Am/Can Ch Jolly Jack Daniels OS (AKC SB614352 (7/76))
Jolly Old Grand Dad (AKC SC212271 (4-79))
Jolly Folly Of Goldendartt (AKC SB-742684)
CH Jolly Jill of Sunset Hill (AKC SB614353)
Jolly Popper Of Birnam Wood (AKC SB-867069)
Jolly Atoka (AKC SC-301348)
Jolly Cloverdale Holly (AKC SC182116)
Jolly J.J. (AKC SB709028)
Lance's Jolly Barra CD (AKC SB-626239)
Am CH Gradene's Oahu Jolly Pajero CD OD (AKC SB613593)
Am. CH. Jolly Peachy Pistonpacker OD (AKC SB-615146)
Am./Can. CH. Golden Pine's Gradene's JD CDX WC Can. CD OS (AKC SA958931 (11-73))
Meadowlarks of Golden Pines (AKC SB267170)
Am. CH. Golden Pine Glorybe OD (AKC SA721919 (3/72))
Golden Pine's Ray of Sunshine (AKC SB061851 (5/74))
Am./Can. CH. Golden Pine's Courvoisier Am./Can. CDX WCX Can. WC OS (AKC SA996971 (3/74))
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Full House CD OS SDHF (AKC SB004530 (3/1974))
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Lord Clyde (AKC SA820543 (4/71))
Ch Golden Pine Heavenly Days UD (AKC SA-749532)
Am. CH. Indanda Thembalisha OD (AKC SB-181704)
Thembalisha's Golden Taffy (AKC SB460749 (2-78))
Am./Can. CH Jabula Thembalisha Am./Can.CD (AKC SB434859 (6-75))
Am./Can. CH. Kotyama Thembalisha (AKC SB181705 (10/73))
Andulela Thembalisha (AKC SB358173 (3/1974))
Bomvana Thembalisha (AKC SB847292)
Ntaza Thembalisha CD (AKC SB846016 02/78)
Bukiza Thembalisha (AKC SB846013 (12/1977))
Jolly Victoria of Misty Morn OD (AKC SB682909 (2-77))
Ranger's Golden Honey (AKC SB963957)
Traemor's Chumly McDoogle (AKC SC222863)
Traemor's Hawkeye Pierce (AKC SB862933 (8-76))
Bowen's Lady Tennille (AKC SC268605)
Am. CH. Jake's Hanalei Valley Jem (AKC SB703500)
Am. Ch. Traemor's Blythe Spirit (AKC SB-769573)
Am CH Wochica's Okeechobee Jake OS SDHF (AKC SA679062 (8/71))
Am. CH. Wochica's MJ Protege CD * (AKC SA671289 (1/73))
Am. CH. Jib of Cedarmoor (AKC SA-781784)
Clancy Of Wochica (AKC SA855919 (5/74))
Golden Tania of Wochica (AKC SA676133 (3/1974))
Am. CH. Wochica's Wind Song OD (AKC SA698952 (1/72))
Am. CH. Karlor's Golden Sunset (AKC SB261029 (7/75))
Am. CH. Karlor's Knight Of Misty Morn (AKC SA881896)
Am. CH. Karlor's Arriba Of Sorehon DDHF ** (AKC SA867217)
Cindy Penton's Missy Girl (AKC SC118400 (7-79))

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