
Golden Retriever

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Kenyan delle Pietre della Luna

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Kenyan delle Pietre della Luna
CH IT JCH Achille delle Pietre della Luna
Cassandra delle Pietre della Luna
Ch.Ch.CH.Ecuat.Jov.Venc.Amer&Carib.Jov.Ch.Peru Black Jack de Jazz (Other Argentina)
Pink Panter de Jazz (Other FCA 35406)
PerJrCh PerCh Madame Butterfly De Jazz (Other FCA 35408)
Pisco Sour De Jazz
BISS BIS PRC./Arg./Ven./Col./Col.Gr./Br./Equa. CH. Shilo's Hott Machine (AKC SR24419304)
CH. Shilo's Hott Blue and Righteous RN (AKC SR24419302)
Shilo's Hott Sugar Cookie
CH. Shilo's C Y Ima Hott E OD, BISS (AKC SR24419301)
Shilo's 2 Hott 2 Handle (AKC SR24419305)
Shilo's Hott Pursuit (SR24419303)
Sex Bomb De Jazz (Other 17688)
Sex Machine De Jazz (Other 17682)
Vanity Fair de Jazz (17684)
BIS.Ch.Arg Moulin Rouge De Jazz (FCI 17685)
Ch Cach Ec, Ch Ec Victoria Secret De Jazz (Other 17686)
Belle epoque De Jazz (Other 17687)
BISS JCH. CH.UR. Be Delicious de Jazz (Other FCA 24831)
Very Irresistible De Jazz (Other 17778)
JCH, CH Dolce Gabana de Jazz (BR 2993)
Ch Rip Tequila Sunrise (LO0827173) (FCI LO0827173)
Royal Crest Gold-N Paddington
CH Rip Glisten Moonstone
Glisten RockCrystal
Glisten Jasper
Glisten Ruby
Glisten Onyx
Glisten Turquoise
Glisten Sapphire
Glisten Emerald
Afrodite delle Pietre della Luna
Int. Ch Double Willow Ten Days After
Italian and International Show Champion Double Willow Strike (FCI 02/75323)
WVW'10 / It, Int. Ch Double Willow Sunny Midday (FCI LOI)
Int. CH. & FT. CH. Stanroph Standing Ovation (LOS 556350)
Stanroph Secret Finale
Stanroph Secret Promise (KCR W 3661808W03)
Eng. CH. Stanroph Squadron Leader (UKC KC Reg. W3661801W03)
Stanroph Secret Fantasy of Pamgavin
It.Ch. Double Willow Be Happy (FCI LOI)
Int'l CH F- Double Willow Lunarossa
CH Rip Glisten Moonstone
Glisten RockCrystal
Glisten Jasper
Glisten Ruby
Glisten Onyx
Glisten Turquoise
Glisten Sapphire
Glisten Emerald
Thuaidh Gigolo Ch. Rip.
Thuaidh Shape of my Heart
Anucss Indiana (FCI LO0245750)
Nevada (LO0245753) (FCI LO0245753)
Dakota (LO0245754) (FCI LO0245754)

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