
Golden Retriever

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Brennan's Cuddly Candy

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Brennan's Cuddly Candy (AKC SR62994901 (3-13))
Brennan's Big Bruzier (AKC SR21468203 (7-06))
Dakota's Darling Cupid (AKC SR31058905)
Parkin My Chevy At Logues (AKC SR01785405 (6-04))
Linkyn Park With Kerkhove'S (AKC SR09620602)
Aga'S Dakota Sprint (AKC SR017854/01)
Deland's Iowa Dakota Maisy (AKC SR01785402)
Highplains Ucrack Me Up (AKC SR09620608)
Highplains Puttin On The Ritz
Parkin Myself At High Plains (AKC SN72735110 (11-04))
Aga's Dakota Emily (AKC SN77089604)
Liii Lougue's Jersey Girl (AKC SN88121605 (2-05))
Varilek's Burning Blaze (AKC SN88121603)
Breezy Sage Of Volin Hill (AKC SN88121602)
Fodness' Mister Tyson (AKC SN88121601)
Lii Maggie Houdini (AKC SN88121606)
Golden Cloud of Eagle Lake (AKC SN18579311)
Lucky Tiger's Chief MH WCX ** (AKC SN185793/07)
Kramer Brutus Bean (AKC SN32235804 (1-06))
Logue's Miss Molly (AKC SN55977201)
Charlie Tyrone Horsley (AKC SN47569501 (1-99))
State Fair Tyron (AKC SN55977202)
M(&)M's Awesome Annie (AKC SN84786007 (9-02))

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