
Golden Retriever

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NZ CH Sandlewood Tale O'Hansel

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

NZ CH Sandlewood Tale O'Hansel
Sandlewood Tale O'Gretal
N.Z. Ch. Heathermist Double Agent (V278822)
Aust Ch Heathermist Mr Magic CDX
Heathermist Ace O Spies
Aust Ch. Heathermist Cover Girl (ANKC 226878)
Aust. Ch. Heathermist Commander (ANKC V226871)
Aust Ch Heathermist Snoflake (ANKC V226879)
Aust Ch Heathermist Centrefold (ANKC V 278825)
Heathermist Headliner
MBISS MABBIS Aust. Ch. Ferngold Commodore (ANKC Q665718)
Ferngold Cover Girl (Other Q 665716)
Aust Ch Ferngold Cavalcade
Ferngold Celebration
Aust Ch Glennessa Ingot (ANKC C633905d2)
Glennessa Ixion
Ferngold Chrystina (AI) (ANKC Q394395)
Aust Ch Ferngold Christopher (AI)
Ferngold Christian (AI)
Ferngold Chrystella (AI)
Aust. Ch. Glennessa Undercover Girl (ANKC G2652004g)
Glennessa Halliard
Glennessa Holly (Other S31935/79)
Glennessa Erika
Glennessa Escapade
Glennessa Ericka
Sandlewood Swift Delite
NZ CH Sandlewood Swift Desire
NZ. GD. CH. & Aust. CH. Caldicot Swift (Other 01970-1987)
NZ CH. Summertime Night Flight
Summertime Night Dream
NZ CH. Serenata Of Sandlewood
BISS NZ CH Shandi Suite Sandlewood
Sandlewood Royal Dawn
Baulker Royal Duke
Sandlewood Gay Mita Maid
Sandlewood Gay Mischief CDX QC Field Trial CC
Sandlewood Gay Magnum

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