
Golden Retriever

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Toasty's Stonewall Jackson

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Toasty's Stonewall Jackson
Toasty's Robert E Lee
Toasty's Shooting Star (OFA GR-33875G25F)
Toasty's Tarpon River Soleil UDX3 TD (OFA GR-33808F55M)
Am Ch Toasty's Royal Jasper (OFA GR-43370F62M)
Toasty's Royal Feather CD (OFA GR-34495G28F-T)
Toasty's Malagold Princess (OFA GR-34688F28F)
Am. CH. Rising Star My Guy (OFA GR-27889G24M)
Am. CH. Libra Malagold Coriander OS SDHF (OFA GR-14095 30M)
Malagold Lightening
Am. CH Malagold Kimberly's Token
Libra Malagold Cosmos O'Dasu CD
Am Ch Libra Malagold Clover OD (OFA GR-14094)
Libra Doublin McMartin
Libra Ruddy Yancey (OFA GR-13588)
Libra Summer Sunshine (OFA GR-13604)
Libra Cameron Of Winthrop
Libra Contender's Dallas (OFA GR-13461)
Landican's Ribbons 'N Lace CD (OFA GR-21483)
Landican's Drummer In the Woods Am CDX; Can CD (OFA GR-16197-T)
Am./Can. CH Landican's Lady Diana Am./Can. CD WC (OFA GR-15399)
U-CDX Landican's Second Chance UD Am./Can. WC (OFA GR-24337G24M-T)
Am/Can CH. Landican's Lord Whiskers CDX WC OS BIS (OFA GR-15400E24M)
Am. CH. Landican's Peaches N' Cream (OFA GR-21989)
Am. CH, BIS, BISS Toasty Royal's Mercedes OD SDHF (OFA GR-19354)
CH Toasty's Royal Rolls Royce CD SDHF
Am. CH. Krishna's Ja-Jim Extra Special OS SDHF (OFA GR-8637 26M)
Krishnas Ja-Jim Kiowa Fether
Krishna Ja-Jim (OFA GR-8705)
Cloverdale's Delta Dawn (OFA GR-12683)
Cloverdale Mindy Jessamyn (OFA GR-11845)
CH Cloverdale Starwood in Aspen CD (OFA GR-11837)
Beech Mountain Lily
Moose Jaw Of Raleigh
Tojo Oettinger Of Runnymeade
Lollar's Princess Honey
Carol Lina Katie
Gail's Molasses Beau
Autumn Of The Blue Ridge

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