
Golden Retriever

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Braeside Ballingeary Cirque Du Soleil

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Braeside Ballingeary Cirque Du Soleil (OFA GR-125145G26F-NOPI)
Braeside Ballingeary Bellisima (OFA GR-126172G30F-NOPI)
BISS GCHB Delavega Southerngold True Grit CGC, SDHF, OS (OFA GR-113120G24M-VPI)
Col CH/ Am CH. Ag-Golden Age Porto Alegre OS (OFA GR-100190G26M-VPI)
Ag-Golden Age Bahia
Ag-Golden Age Belo Horizonte
Ch. Col. Ag-Golden Age Ipanema
Multi Biss,Col/Mex/Chi/Arg Ch, Gr.Ch.Pan, Ch.Pan Chaw Kemp Mulder Golden Friend Forever
Tim Duncan Mulder Golden Friend Forever
ch Beyonce Mulder Golden Friend Forever
J.Ch,Ch,GrCH J.Lo Mulder Golden Friend Forever
Kobe Bryant Mulder Golden Friend Forever
Jv.Ch Derek Harpper Mulder Golden Friend Forever
Col CH. Ag-Golden Age Genoveva of Nambija (A - A)
Ch. Col. Ag-Golden Age Parzifal of Nambija (A - A)
Ch Ec. Ag Golden Age King Arthur Of Nambija
Ag-Golden Age Hideusa of Nambija
Ch. Col. Ag-Golden Age Duncan of Nambija
Boca Gold Loosie Goosie JH WCX (OFA GR-105432G29F-VPI)
BISS GCH Boca Gold's Peking Duck JH WCX SDHF BISS OS (OFA GR-100893G24M-VPI)
CH Steadmor's Destined for Questan (OFA GR-94250F35M-PI)
Steadmor's Candlelight Romeance
Steadmor's WhatHapnsNvegasStaysNvegas
Steadmor Winyah's North Jetty UD,CGC,TDI (OFA GR-93647G24M-PI)
Steadmor's Miss Francey Pants CGC (OFA GR-93643F24F-PI)
Hillock's All The Way May JH WC OD (OFA GR94314G35F-VPI)
Hillock's Race for the Pennant
Hillock's Stolen Base (OFA GR-92916G28F-PI)
Braeside Celtic Fairy Goddess
CH. Pebwin Who's On First OS (OFA GR-92078E24M-PI)
Pebwin What's So Funny (OFA GR-92454F25F-PI)
Pebwin When Sparks Fly (OFA GR-93583G30F-PI)
Pebwin Where Eagles Dare
Pebwin Walking On The Moon
Pebwin Wading With Coleman
Am CH Brae Lea King Of The Road OS (OFA GR-42560G24M)
Brae Lea Cooper James Festus
Brae Lea Prince James
Brae Lea Clancy Of Spruce LN
Brae Lea Boris
Brae Lea Rugby
Brae Lea The Right Stuff
Am. CH Brae Lea Phantom Of T' Opera (OFA GR-42561G24M)
CH Pebwin Xpect The Unxpected OA AXJ OD (OFA GR-76761G24F-PI)
Braeside Seamist Valencia (OFA GR-95690F26F-VPI)
Am. Ch. April Iron Gate Valentia Spirit (OFA GR-81925F26M-PI)
Ch. April's Chase'n Rainbows (OFA GR-77655E24M-PI)
April's Over The Rainbow (OFA GR-79219F29F)
Seamist Capricious Breeze (OFA GR-86219G30F-PI)

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