K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Jobeshill La Boheme Of Rushbrigg

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Jobeshill La Boheme Of Rushbrigg
Jobeshill Don Carlos of Oakshot
Jobeshill Rosenkavalier
Jobeshill Rigoletto
FTCh Amancio Tirpitz Of Flypatch (BVA 0/0)
Amancio Bismarck
Amancio Torpedo
Amancio Star Boom Of Simbos (0)
Amancio Swordfish Of Norfolkflyer (0)
Amancio War Lord (0)
FTCh Flypatch Alfa (0)
Flypatch Delta
Flypatch Echo
Flypatch Lima
Flypatch Romeo
Flypatch Tango
FTCh Jobeshill Ragnar of Flypatch (BVA 0)
Jobeshill Alrik (0)
OFTW Jobeshill Valfrid of Avonford (BVA 0/0)
FTW Jobeshill Magnus (0)
Jobeshill Magnild at Hawkslow
DK FTCH DK TM Jobeshill Olof (FCI 0)
Jobeshill Gustav of Bedgebrook
FTCh Jobeshill Lotta of Stauntonvale (0)
Cottared Piccolo (0)
Cottared Elton Of Riversway (0)
Cottared Magic Flute (0)
Cottared Oboe
GB FTCh Amancio Swift (BVA 0/0)
Amancio Osprey of Abberwick (0)
Gameflight Mocha
Gameflight Magnet (3)
Gameflight Maisie Of Snowdell (0)
Gameflight Misha (3)
Amancio Finch (0)
Amancio Snipe Of Birdbrook (0)
Amancio Thunder (0)
Amancio Dove
Amancio Firefly
Amancio Hurricane
Amancio Jaune Of Tudorcourt (0)
Amancio Teal
Amancio Whirlwind
Gameflight Myth
Amancio Kite (0)
OFTW Amancio Falcon (BVA 0/0)
FTW Amancio Spitfire of Oakshot (0)
FTCh Darleigh Thunderbolt
Darleigh Corsair
Darleigh Hurricane
Darleigh Lancaster
Darleigh Mustang Of Sernnos
Darleigh Spitfire
FTW Swaine Jaune of Amancio (0)
Swaine Bibio
Swaine Dace
Swaine Diver
Swaine Grannom
Swaine Rassler
FTW Swaine Jaune of Amanico
Stauntonvale Wild Clary At Jobeshill (0)
GB FTCh Stauntonvale Buckwheat Of Llangynidr (0)
Stauntonvale White Millet
Stauntonvale Black Oat
Stauntonvale Black Medick (0)
Stauntonvale Teasel Of Connisbrook (0)
FTCh Stauntonvale Tic Bean (BVA 0)
FTCh Eastdale Kayne (BVA 0)
Eastdale Kenny at Mistigri (BVA 0/0)
Eastdale Kilo of Artistryn
Eastdale Keela
Eastdale Kelly
Eastdale Kiara
Eastdale Kipp
FTCh Calderhey Adder (BVA 0)
Calderhey Allie (0)
Calderhey Ace of Gunnerdale
Calderhey Archie
Calderhey Ash (0)
Calderhey Abby (0)
Calderhey Amy
Lakedown Demoisalle of Eastdale
Lakedown Wulff of Eastdale (0)
DKFTCh GBFTW DKJCh SEJ(a)Ch Lakedown Diawl Bach (0/0)
Lakedown Nomad At Treranch
OFTW Lakedown Lightening (0)
Lakedown Tarw Du (0)
FTCh Jobeshill Lotta of Stauntonvale (0)
Jobeshill Alrik (0)
OFTW Jobeshill Valfrid of Avonford (BVA 0/0)
FTW Jobeshill Magnus (0)
Jobeshill Magnild at Hawkslow
FTCh Jobeshill Ragnar of Flypatch (BVA 0)
DK FTCH DK TM Jobeshill Olof (FCI 0)
Jobeshill Gustav of Bedgebrook
NORD JCH FTCH Tasco Brimstone (FCI 0/0)
Tasco Gold Swift (0/0)
FT Ch Tasco Saxon MHR
FTW Collaroybanks Willow (BVA 0/0)
Collaroybanks Mulberry
Collaroybanks Laurel
Collaroybanks Juniper
Collaroybanks Ash
Collaroybank Cedar
Collaroybank Guelder Rose
Collaroybank Oak (0)
Collaroybanks Hazel
Collaroybanks Holly

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