
Golden Retriever

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Clark's TLC Dina Blo Your Horn

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Clark's TLC Dina Blo Your Horn
Am CH Belhaven Extra Stout Am CD (8.5 years)
Belhaven Crystal Clea On Tap
Belhaven Highland Stout
Am/Can CH. Freedom's Celebration OS (14 years)
Freedom's Cream O' The Crop UD
Am. CH Freedom's Cimaron Sage
Freedom's Coriolanus
AmCH Freedom's Celebrity Cowboy
BIS Am. CH Gold Coast Here Comes The Sun CD OS SDHF (9.5 years)
Gold Coast's Golden Sandstorm CD
Gold Coast's Morning Mist
Am. CH Laurell's Xpectations OD (11.5 years)
Laurell's Xquisite Contender Am./Can. CD
Laurells Xclusively Caroman
Laurell Xmas Joy To Shamonoff CDX WCX
Cloverdale Blazin' Forsythia Am/Can CD (12 years)
Am/Can Ch Cloverdale Frostfire OS SDHF (12.5 years)
Cloverdale Okeechobee Ziper (12 years)
Am/Can CH Sutter Creek Cloverdale Erin OD (10 years)
Sutter Creek Cricket
Sutter Creek Scobie's Buffy
Jessie's Golden Glory II
Am./Can. CH. Clark's Micah Angelo CDX (13.5 years)
Clark's Tuedy Tuesday Can CD Am CDX (13 years)
Am. CH. Blue Skye's Aragorn Of Libra
Am. CH Sutter Creek's Libra Bearhug CD
Bridgton's Amber Libra Lady CD (10.5 years)
Southern's Libra Tamarac CD
CanCH Libra Legend of Delight CanCDX
Clark's Abigail Adams CD
Clark's Totoket Saratoga CD
Clark's Saltwater Taffey CD
Am CH Clark's Totoket Betsy Ross CD
Jamcroft's Clark Me Sassy
Lycinan B Our Buttercup Jess
Lycinan Brush Of Gold CD,WC
Lycinan B Amber O Deaconwood
Am./Can. CH. Trowsnest Whirlwind UD WC Can CDX WC Am./Can. OS (16 years)
Trowsnest Windjammer CDX
Jungold-Klassic UR Of Lycinan UD (11.5 years)
Am CH Jungold Klassic U R O K
Jungold-Klassic UR A QP Dol
Klassic-Jungold Ur Shana Pun'm
Klassic-Jungold U R Bach
Klassic-Jungold U R James Gang
Klassic-Jungold U R Punkin
Klassic-Jungold U R Sasha of R
Klassic-Jungold U R Windsor
Am CH Jungold-Klassic U R The One CDX, WC (12.5 years)
Jungold-Klassic R U Big Olaf
Jungold's R U Mayn Shana Lalke
Jungold's R U The One
Jungold's R U The Other One

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