Bombay Sapphire (OFA GR-EL45787M24-VPI) Zak (Goldenfocus Harry Potter x Witny) Be My Valentine CCA (OFA GR-EL45796M24-VPI) Olianda Bellelavina Opium Game with Danger (BVA 0) Olly Pearl of Goldenworld (OFA GR-EL51123M29-VPI) | Goldenfocus Harry Potter (OFA GR-EL44861M45-VPI) Golden Focus Hermione Granger (FCI 0-0) GoldenFocus Harpo Max (0/0) GoldenFocus Havana Rose (0/0) Golden Focus Athos (0/0) | | WITNY (UKU0069187) (00) | MULTICH, ChUA, RU, MAC,MOL,BBB Victoria's Secret Valse of White Angel GRCHMOL,MAC,UA ChUA VICTORIA'S SECRET VENTUROSA VICTORIA'S SECRET VIGOROSA NOBLE (0/0) IntShCh,Int&MltCh,SupGrChUa,GrChUa(x3),Mol,Rus Victoria's Secret Vanilla Sky Ua/Rus/Bye/Bul/Mol/Bal/RKF CH,AllUa win'09, JChUa (ED 0/0) CH UA Victoria's Secret Velocity of the Wind ChUa, Bye, Rus, Mol Victoria's Secret Vanquisher of Hearts IntCh, MultCh, GrChUa, ChUa, Bul, Rom, Rus, Mol, Bye Victoria's Secret Valiancy in Me | Yasenka Golden Dik Kor YANRI-RED GOLDEN DIK KOR YALITA GOLDEN DIK KOR Yadviga Golden Dik Kor YAHOR GOLDEN DIK KOR YANUS GOLDEN DIK KOR YANKO GOLDEN DIK KOR |