
Golden Retriever

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Grace Mae Terry

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Grace Mae Terry
Newman's Lilly
Rolling Acres Coconut Penny
Golden Comet XI
Terry's Golden Dixie Belle
Kyledt's Benjamin
Peachy's Golden Carol Candy
Peachy's Golden Callie
Feldmann's Jock
The River's Sunny Attitude
Sunny's Cool Sunkist Jock
D'Arks Tatianna Tia
Golden Candy Apple Of My Eye
Copper Penny Candy
Miss Golden Southern Belle
Feldmann's Candy
Feldmann's Cindy
Feldmann's Candice
Scifers' Max
Feldmann's Candi
Feldmann's Brandi
Feldmann's Flora
Sandi Feldmann's
Feldmann's Alma
Feldmann's Hara
Feldmann's Nina
Kyledt's Penny
Feldmann's Buford
Feldmann's Dafney
Schmidt's Sheila
Feldmann's Bandit
Schmidts PC
Feldmann's Beau
Fauna's Lilie
Fauna's Katie
Gergick's Redman
Rush's KC Rufus
Oak Hill's Southern Belle (SR31786701)
Oak Hill's Ruby Slippers
Fauna's Noelle
Fauna's Sugar Dog
Fauna's Daisy May
Fauna's Buttercup
Feldmann's Sadie
Feldmann's Joan
Feldmann's Duke
Ellie Mae Horton
Feldmann's Jane
3 Golden Acres Callie Girl
Indiana Gold Dust
Baby's Little Lucas
Sb Footballs Greatest Legacy
Mask Pac O' Pride
Mask Sky's The Limit
Jayhawk Jezebel
Mask Sunny
Bud Man's Golden Shooter

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