
Golden Retriever

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Surefire Satisfaction CD MH WCX *** CCA

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Surefire Satisfaction CD MH WCX *** CCA (AKC SS03619301)
HRCH Surefires Everready To Rumble JH (AKC SS03619307)
HRCH SureFire Keep It Going Chill MH (AKC SS03619308)
Surefire Find Me Where The Wild Things Are NAJ NF (AKC SS03619305)
SR Surefire's Jeeze Louise UD RE SH WCX VC CCA (AKC SS03619302)
Surefire Kelakye's Kiss This MH (AKC SS03619310)
You Have Got To Be Kidding CDX RE MH90 MNH NA NAJ OF CGC WCX *** OS HTHF CCA (AKC SR68218611)
Windy River's Smok'n Cedar QFTR (AKC SR68218601)
KeriGold's Golden Hurricane of Firemark JH CDX RE BN NAJ OF NA WCX CCA (AKC SR68218604)
Del Norte Firemark MH WCX (AKC SR68218602)
In-Transit MH50+ HTHF (AKC SR68218610)
SHR Mighty Quinn Runnin Like The Wind (AKC SR68218612)
FC Firemark Rackem And Stackem Casey OS (AKC SR41755801)
Firemark's Stoli Made Me Woozy (AKC SR41755808)
Firemark Against the Wind WCX (AKC SR417558/07)
HR Firemark We Have Ignition CDX SH WCX CGC (AKC SR41755804)
Firemark's Rug-ged Online (AKC SR41755803)
Firemark Life of Riley (AKC SR41755809)
Firemark Ballistic Bunny OA AXJ AXP MJP2 OF MFP (AKC SR41755806)
Firemarks Falcon JH (AKC SR41755805)
FC AFC LaCrosse Max Q Jake JH OS FDHF (AKC SN873456/06)
Lacrosse Commander Cody JH (AKC SR06371906)
Redstar's Rockstar Of Lacrosse CD WCX ** (AKC SN87345604)
LaCrosse's Regal Elizabeth UDX OM1 RE MH NA (AKC SR06371903)
Redstar's LaCrosse Jade (AKC SR06371902)
Lacrosse's Comeback Kid Jake WCX *** (AKC SN873456/01)
Lacrosse I Dare You OD (AKC SN87345605 (8-04))
Timber Pond Harley Of LaCrosse (AKC SN87345603)
Lacrosse's Jokers Wild (AKC SR06371907)
Jersey's Copper of Lacrosse (AKC SR06371905)
Chancefield's Viking Raider (AKC SR06371908)
Lacrosse's Primo Gusto (AKC SR06371909)
Lacrosse's Hd Thoreau (AKC SR06371910)
Miss Mercedez Of Lacrosse (AKC SN87345602)
Lacrosse's Risin Ruby MH WCX ** (AKC SR06371904)
Lacrosse's Running Brooke MH WCX ***OD (AKC SR06371901)
Firemark Prepare for Takeoff UD MH WCX *** OD (AKC SN674152/04)
Firemark Dudley (AKC SN67415201)
Firemarks Gator Growl JH (AKC SN67415203)
Wildheart Navajo Fire (AKC SN67415206)
Firemark's Mr. Maverick JH ** (AKC SN674152/07)
GMHR Can OTCH Firemark's Piece of Cake UDX MH WCX CCA VCX Am/Can *** (AKC SN674152/08)
Firemark Cajun Bonfire MH *** (AKC SN674152/02)
Firemark's Flamin' Phoenix MH (AKC SN674152/05)
FC Bro's Counterfeit Folly OD (AKC SR06747307)
HR Real Gold Rockin' Riley SH ** (AKC SR06747309)
Real Gold's Hot Patootie WCX ** (AKC SR15229401)
Real Gold Roxie Music To My Ears MH81 MNH WCX CCA ** OD (AKC SR06747308)
Real Gold West Shore Lad SH (AKC SN89201510)
Buck N Butta Bing MH WCX *** (AKC SN89201511)
Goldstar's Coming Around Again SH WCX (AKC SR15229405)
Real Gold Wraith Hi-Ki Diva *** OD (AKC SN89201502 (5-07))
Real Gold Razzle Dazzle Red Man SH WCX (AKC SR15229408)
Real Gold Tempus Fugit MH WCX (AKC SR15229404)
Windstone Wildwood Rose (AKC SR15229407)
RL Bro's Winds of Change OD (AKC SN892015/01)
Real Gold Rush Limbpaw SH ** (AKC SR06747301)
FC Wraiths HTR MN Bro Macdhuibh OS (AKC SN292632/07 (4-98))
Hunters Moon Lady Trapps LKS (AKC SM934035/04)
Hunter's Moon Nightcap MH ** (AKC SN15038506)
Hunter's Moon Sonoma Scout (AKC SM934035/05)
Hunters Moon Stolichnaya (AKC SM934035/08)
Hunter's Moon Holly (AKC SM934035/09)
Ronakers Hunter's Moon Kate II (AKC SN150385/02)
Wraith's HNTRS MN Mac Dhuibh (AKC SN150385/03)
Hunters Moon Arctic Phelpsie (AKC SN150385/04)
Quailoaks Hunter's Moon Kassi CD SH WCX (AKC SN292632/02)
Hunters Moon Slam Duncan (AKC SN292632/03)
Gypsy Darwin Anderson (AKC SN292632/04)
Hunter's Moon Trick 'R Treat JH (AKC SN292632/05)
Hunter's Moon Rugby SH (AKC SN29263206)
Hunter's Moon Kestrel SH (AKC SN29263201)
Hunters Moon Kkkkatie Foord MH *** (AKC SM934035/06)
Hunters Moon Tam O Shanter ** OD (AKC SM93403501 (9-96))
Hunter's Moon Mighty McTavit *** (AKC SN150385/01)
Hunter's Moon Travel Charlie Am-Can *** (AKC SM93403511 (10/96))
AFC Wraith's Hunter's Moon Kirby MH WCX (AKC SM934035/07)
Highland Kiowa Shooting Star MH *** OD (AKC SN404168/05)
Highland Takes My Fancy MH WCX *** (AKC SN404168/01)
Highland Rip Rorin Sooner CD JH WCX (AKC SN40416803)
Highland Paper Moon MH WCX ** (AKC SN404168/04)
Highland's Zack Attack (AKC SN404168/06)
Highland Titian Triton (AKC SN404168/07)
Highlands Little Miss Zoe (AKC SN404168/08)
Highland Magistri (AKC SN404168/09)
Highland Chance Of Flurries CD, NA (AKC SN404168/11)
SR Highland Hoya MH WCX OS (AKC SN404168/12)
HRCH Surefire Turn Me Loose Zoom CD MH WCX ** OD CCA (AKC SR68549604)
Surefire Avenger MH ** (AKC SR68549603)
HR USJ UAGI Thistledoon Surefire Nacho SH OA NAJ OF TKI WCX VC CCA (AKC SR68549602)
Surefire's Nautical Enforcer MH43 NA NAJ OF WCX CCA VC (AKC SR68549601)
HRCH and UH Epoch Deveron River MH20 WCX *** OS CCA Can JH WCX (AKC SR38856607)
SHR Epoch's Reuben on Rye JH WC (AKC SR38856603)
Epoch's You Go To My Head ** TD (AKC SR38856605)
Rockerin The Epic Irishman MH *** (AKC SR38856604 (4-10))
RockErin Red River Ruckus MH QA2 OS (AKC SR10633606 (10-06))
Rockerin Angus McTavish *** (AKC SR10633604)
Rockerin Bewitched Annie Oke JH (AKC SR1063360)
Rockerin Scotqueen Margaret (AKC SR10633601)
Rockerin Storm Warning Star (AKC SR10633603)
Rockerin's Radical Radiance UD MH *** WCX OD (AKC SN84768307)
Rockerins T. S. Elliot (AKC SN84768301)
JFR Rockerin Slain At Culloden JH (AKC SN84768303)
Rockerin Dowie Glenyarrow (AKC SN84768304)
Rockerin Josephine Tascher OD (AKC SN84768305)
Rockerin Dunbarton Rock (AKC SN84768306)
HRCH Surefire Texas Fulltilt Boogie CDX MH WCX OD U-CD (AKC SR33563205)
Lakwoia's Copper Code WC ** OS / Can** (AKC SR33563207)
Kiowa's Proper Pete MH (AKC SR33563201)
Lakwoia's Mango Tango Fandango JH WC OD (AKC SR33563209 (5-09))
SR Kiowa's Chief Medicine Man (AKC SR33563202 (3-13))
FC AFC Steeple Hill Ranger OS FDHF (AKC SN71793506 (8-05))
Escapade Punch MH50 MNR WCX ** HTHF (AKC SR17637401)
Hermans Dream Chaser Red MH (AKC SR17637402)
Mocha Marauder (AKC SN71793512)
Greenfields Bearlyafordable (AKC SN90184002)
Pogue's Smokin' Red Rocket (AKC SN71793511 (9-01))
Red Lodge's Steep and Deep ** (AKC SN901840/04)
Red Lodge's Powder Hound (AKC SN901840/05)
Escapade Red *** (AKC SN90184001)
Satchabrat MH MNH OD (AKC SN90184009)
Kiowa's Solo JH OD (AKC SN83539901)
Kiowa's A Place In Time MH CCA WCX ** OS (AKC SN722037/09)
Kiowa's Hot Flash JH WCX (AKC SN72203703)
Kiowa's Whirlwind SH CCA WCX (AKC SN72203702)
Kiowa's Phoenix Sans Peur (AKC SN72203704)
Kiowa Karma Of Mioaks' (AKC SN72203705)
Kiowa's Rebel Yell SH WCX (AKC SN72203708)
Kiowa's KC Double Back -Echo MH WCX ** OS (AKC SN72203707 (4/02))
Kiowa's Cover Girl (AKC SN722037/01)
Kiowa's Set-Tainte ** (AKC SN72203706)

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