
Golden Retriever

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Amber Echo of Sylvan Glen

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Amber Echo of Sylvan Glen
Am/Can CH Can OTCH, MHR, HRCH U-CDX Heron Acres Sandcastle UDTX MH *** WCX Can. TDX WCX
Am./Can. CH. Lochvier's Hey U Sun Bear
Lochviers' Royal Rogue
CH Lochvier's Salute to Bowman CD
CH Lochvier's Golden Troubador
Am. CH. Bundocks Bowman Of Eldomac CD OS SDHF
Bundocks Huntress Of Eldomac
Archer's Golden Lancer
Am. CH. Lorelei's Zajac Archer SDHF
Lorelei's Zajac Tanya
Lorelei's Zajac Anya
Lorelei's Zajac Andrew
Am. CH. Aldercrest Cinnabar Sand OD
Gem State Ginger Girl
Classic Cleopatra
Golden Pine Sandpiper CD OD
Am. CH. Golden Pine Glorybe's Angel OD
Golden Pine's Honey Love
Am. CH. Jungold Legend Of Golden Pine OS
CH Jungold Legacy Of Golden Pine
Am CH Golden Pine Just-A-Minute OD
Golden Pine's Tiny Tim OS
Golden Pine High Farms Repeat CD
Am. CH. Golden Pine Glorybe OD
Meadowlarks of Golden Pines
Golden Pine's Ray of Sunshine
Am./Can. CH. Golden Pine's Gradene's JD CDX WC Can. CD OS
Am./Can. CH. Golden Pine's Courvoisier Am./Can. CDX WCX Can. WC OS
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Full House CD OS SDHF
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Lord Clyde
Ch Golden Pine Heavenly Days UD
Sonja of Sylvan Glen WC OD
Am/Can CH. Can OTCH Shawn's Golden Boomerang Can TDX WCX Am UDT WCX
Jascha Golden Gargoyle
Tamara Lee
Duchess Of Cork
Tri-Stada Golden Blondie
Tri-Stada Golden Sandy
Trievon Tomboy
Trievon Ravishing Nolden
Trievon Splashing Gold
Gayhaven Bit Of England
Shawn Golden Horizan/Shawn Golden Horizon
Lovely Lady Lucy of the North
Tepa Of Golden Horizon
Intrepid III
Golden Horizon Windy CD
Much Ado Traveller
Tedi Go Goldfishing
Golden Horizon Morning Star

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