
Golden Retriever

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Sir Samson Skywalker Starkiller

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Sir Samson Skywalker Starkiller (AKC SS09847607)
Sir Elis Miss Bailey Rae (AKC SS02024403)
Jordy White Lightning (The Farmer) (AKC SS02024401 (1-23))
Lost Creek Meadow Friendly Grimmlin (AKC SS02024410)
Sir Eli Barkley Jenkins (AKC SR85771807 (2-18))
Sayler's Lady Sophia CGC TKN VHMA (AKC SR79522605)
Golden Aspen XVII (AKC SR79522606)
Cj's Sir Riley Cooper (AKC SR52951501 (07-12))
Cooper De Leon (AKC SR14597605)
Allys Golden Pride (AKC SR12039604)
Tanner's Miss Roxie Ann (AKC SR12039601)
Madison's Lady Ella Bella (AKC SR56823201 (7-12))
Chase Toby Ecret (AKC SR56823208 (12-12))
Ol Fiddlin' Bow (AKC SR46164801 (9-09))
Lady Morgan of SLB
Kelty's Sophie of Captain (AKC SR22556503 (12-09))
Sir Odies Miss Ellie Mae (AKC SR90781809 (2-18))
Sir Odie Of Spanish Springs (AKC SR72238905 (5-14))
Dacotah & Lj's Sierra Nevada Tracker (AKC SR48843908)
Red Thunder Cheyenne (AKC SR48843909)
Mic Mac Johnny Appleseed UD (AKC SR48843901)
Jessica's Gracie (AKC SR59287205)
Lady Quincy Of Butterfly Valley (AKC SR68552201 (5-14))
Luke Ground Walker Lewis (AKC SR39484706)
Heide Lauranne Justine

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