
Golden Retriever

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Star Crowned Songs And Sagas

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Star Crowned Songs And Sagas (AKC SS25035704)
Star Crowned The Echoes of Eternity (AKC SS25035709)
Star Crowned Asgard's Call (AKC SS25035708)
Star Crowned Valhalla Calling Me (AKC SS25035707)
Star Crowned Soar Over New Frontiers (AKC SS25035705)
Star Crowned Rise And Reign (AKC SS25035706)
Star Crowned Strings Of Destiny (AKC SS25035701)
Star Crowned Loki at Beau Geste (AKC SS25035702)
Star Crowned Kiba (AKC SS25035703)
Star Crowned Legendary Star-Lord (AKC SR94668305)
Star Crowned Vive Le Rock (AKC SR94668309)
Star Crowned BG
Star Crowned 'Gordie' (AKC SR946683xx)
Int'l CH, U-Ch Angelusparks Explorador CCA RN RATI CGC TKN (AKC SR64090502)
PTGCH, PTCH, PTVCh Angelusparks Elsa's Eternal Bliss T.A.N.
Int'l CH Angelusparks Escapades For Goldfeather JH (AKC SR64090501 (8-12))
Ind.Ch. Angelusparks Everything But The Girl
PTCH Angelusparks Eclipse JP11; GBR JCh
Angelusparks Easter's Gift
Angelusparks Elvis Presley (FCI LOP432805)
Angelusparks Exquisite Sence BPG Int. Braga
SE U(U)CH PT CH Dewmist Rainbow Quest JE & JP'09 + BOB'09 (FCI S35857/2008)
Lux Vet Ch. Dewmist Rainbow Warrior Rheinlandjugendsieger 2009
PT/GBZ CH Elsa of Bridge Four
Evangelina Of Bridge Four (AKC SR34892101 (1/08))
Ch. Edition of Bridge Four (FCI NHSB 2591445)
Ike of Bridge Four
Star Crowned Celestial Jewel (AKC SR69895807)
Star Crowned Mirror For The Sun (AKC SR69895801)
Star Crowned Maximus (AKC SR69895802)
Star Crowned Holden (AKC SR69895803)
Star Crowned Hank (AKC SR69895804)
Star Crowned Milo (AKC SR69895805)
Star Crowned Mischievous Angel (AKC SR69895806)
Endicott Most Shooting-Star (AKC SR52054301)
Endicott Most Lass-Leader (Other Swed KC S68792/2006)
Endicott Most Step-Dancer (Other Swed KC S68794/2006)
Endicott Most Look-Alike (Other Swed KC S68795/2006)
Endicott Most Make-Belive (Other Swed KC S68796/2006)
Endicott Most Peace-Loving (Other Swed KC S68797/2006)
Endicott Most Sweet-Charity (Other Swed KC S68798/2006)
Endicott Most Swing-Singer (Other Swed KC S68799/2006)
U-CH. Star Crowned Kaywinnit Lee CD, RA, CCA, CGC (AKC SR31096504)
Star Crowned Brodie (AKC SR31096502)
U-CH, U-CD,URO3 Star Crowned Brule Of Ocotilla CDX, RAE, CCA, CGC, TDI,inc., TT (AKC SR31096503 (5-08))
Star Crowned Maizie (AKC SR31096505)
U-CH., IABCA Int. CH. Star Crowned Firefly CCA (Can. ptd., 2 JH legs) (AKC SR31096507)
Star Crowned Trailblazer Boone (AKC SR31096506)
Star Crowned Serenity (AKC SR31096501)
Star Crowned Bark At The Moon (AKC SR06649503)
U-CH. Star Crowned The Minstrel Boy RN, CCA, CGC (AKC SR06649504)
Star Crowned Future Looks Rosy (AKC SR06649502)
Star Crowned Titus (AKC SR06649505)
Star Crowned Frost On The Punkin (AKC SR06649506)
Star Crowned Kaiser Van Vliet (AKC SR06649507)
Star Crowned Sophie Pureheart (AKC SR06649508)
Star Crowned Tiara (AKC SR06649509)
Star Crowned Buddy Boy (AKC SR06649510)
Star Crowned Serengeti Sunrise (2 UCI JU.A certs.) (AKC SR06649501)
Star Crowned Northern Light (AKC SR78356708)
Star Crowned Man On Fire (AKC SR78356702)
Star Crowned Manny x Firefly Male 3 (AKC SR78356703)
Star Crowned Manny x Firefly Male 4 (AKC SR78356704)
Star Crowned Huckleberry (AKC SR78356705)
Star Crowned Bowie (AKC SR78356706)
Star Crowned Indy (AKC SR78356707)
CH Star Crowned Lycinan Superhero CDX JH WC VC (AKC SR78356701)
Star Crowned She'll Fly True (AKC SR78356709)
HRCH BISS Am.CH Beau Geste Being Ramiroz UD MH WCX** DDHF VCX OS (AKC SR45881501)
AmCH/UKCGRCH Beau Geste Poztvly Gavin @ Wildrose NJP (AKC SR45881508)
Beau Geste If Then Else OS (AKC SR27149406)
Beau Geste Questend Athena (AKC SR27149401)
Synergold Beau Geste Ozma Of Oz (AKC SR20934101 (2-08))
U-CH., IABCA Int. CH. Star Crowned Firefly CCA (Can. ptd., 2 JH legs) (AKC SR31096507)
Star Crowned Brodie (AKC SR31096502)
U-CH, U-CD,URO3 Star Crowned Brule Of Ocotilla CDX, RAE, CCA, CGC, TDI,inc., TT (AKC SR31096503 (5-08))
U-CH. Star Crowned Kaywinnit Lee CD, RA, CCA, CGC (AKC SR31096504)
Star Crowned Maizie (AKC SR31096505)
Star Crowned Trailblazer Boone (AKC SR31096506)
Star Crowned Serenity (AKC SR31096501)
Star Crowned Bark At The Moon (AKC SR06649503)
U-CH. Star Crowned The Minstrel Boy RN, CCA, CGC (AKC SR06649504)
Star Crowned Future Looks Rosy (AKC SR06649502)
Star Crowned Titus (AKC SR06649505)
Star Crowned Frost On The Punkin (AKC SR06649506)
Star Crowned Kaiser Van Vliet (AKC SR06649507)
Star Crowned Sophie Pureheart (AKC SR06649508)
Star Crowned Tiara (AKC SR06649509)
Star Crowned Buddy Boy (AKC SR06649510)
Star Crowned Serengeti Sunrise (2 UCI JU.A certs.) (AKC SR06649501)
Can. CH., U-GRCH., UCI Int. CH. Star Crowned Covington Cross RA, JH, WC, CCA, CGC (Am. ptd.; 1 CD leg) (AKC SN30685102 (2/2002))
Star Crowned's Dragonheart WC, CGC (AKC SN30685101)
Star Crowned Carmel Riley (AKC SN30685103)
Can. CH. Star Crowned Demelza CD, WC, CGC (Am. ptd.; 1 JH leg) (AKC SN30685104)
Star Crowned Samantha (AKC SN30685105)
Star Crowned Emily (AKC SN30685106)
Star Crowned Barbarella CD, RN, JH, WC, CGC (1 SR pass; 2 CCA passes) (AKC SN30685107 (4/2001))
Can. CH., FCI Int. CH., Mex. CH. Star Crowned Whiter Shade Of Pale CGC, TDI, ThD (Am. ptd.) (AKC SN30685108)
Star Crowned Tara O'Callahan (AKC SN30685109)
Star Crowned Weatherby JH, CGC (AKC SN30685110)
UCI Int. CH., U-CD Stevandorn Dijon CD, RE, CCA, CGC (UKC ptd., 4 RAE legs, 1 JH leg) (AKC SN76732101)
Stevandorn De Rigueur (Other KC Reg. (AA3))
Stevandorn Deja Vu (Other KC Reg. (AA3))
Stevandorn Double Dutch (Other KC Reg. (AA3))
Stevandorn Double Take For Burglade (Other KC Reg. AA02855702)
Stevandorn Dutch Auction (Other KC Reg. (AA3))
Stevandorn Dutch Courage (Other KC Reg. (AA3))
Stevandorn Dutch Treat (Other KC Reg. (AA3))
Stevandorn Dutch Uncle (Other KC Reg. (AA3))

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