
Golden Retriever

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Misty Meadows Pants On Fire

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Misty Meadows Pants On Fire (AKC SS16698706)
BIS MBISS GCH Lakesyde Gingerrun's Captain Underpants UD SDHF (AKC SS01423910)
BIS BISS GCHS Lakesydes Dancing In My UnderwearAt Misty Meadows CGC SDHF (AKC SS01423905)
Lakesyde's Put Ur Big Girl Panties On (AKC SS01423901)
Lakesyde's Buy Yer Dreams A Dollar Down CD SH RE THDN CGC VC CCA (AKC SS01423909)
Lakesyde's Panties In A Twist (AKC SS01423902)
BISS GCH Lakesyde's Don't Try This At Home OS (AKC SR78847101)
GCH Harborview Under Construction OS (AKC SR61660310)
CH. Harborview Show Girl RE CGC TDI (AKC SR61660301)
Lakesyde's Fifth Avenue (AKC SR46414701)
Lakesyde's Bit O' Honey
CH Lakesyde's Cheese With Your Whine OD (AKC SR88520901)
GCH CH Shyan's Blu Christmas OS (AKC SR76260302)
Shyan's Kanon All I Want for Christmas (AKC SR7620307)
BISS Am. GCHB. CH., UKC CH. Shyan's Here Comes Santa C Laws (AKC SR76260303)
AmCH Shyan's Jingle Bell Rock (AKC SR76260301)
Goodtime V Lakesyde Red Vevet Cupcake (AKC SR78825201)
Misty Meadows Below Zero (AKC SS03765606)
Laws Whitewater Rebel BN RA JH CGC (AKC SR88824005)
Laws Independence Declared (AKC SR88824001)
Sonador Laws Winning Coalocean CGC (AKC SR68599902)
CH Sonador's Coal Hands Warm Heart (AKC SR68599905)
Shyan's Laws Four Sure (AKC SR73822703)
Shyan's Win One For The Gipper At Lakesyde (AKC SR73822702)
GCH CH Shyan's Custom Four X Four CGCA (AKC SR73822701)
Misty Meadows Little Piece Of Liberty (AKC SR84134106)
Misty Meadows Make My Day (AKC SR84134108)
Misty Meadows Return of Top Gunn
Misty Meadows Take My Breath Away (AKC SR76347404 (5-15))
Misty Meadows Fagin (AKC SR53377306)
Misty Meadows Breath of Fresh Air at Gold'N'Point (AKC SR 65608906)
Misty Meadows Catch-N-Air At Gold 'N' Point (AKC SR65608907)

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