
Golden Retriever

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Athos (son of Nalimana Stole The Show)

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Athos (son of Nalimana Stole The Show)
Aramis (son of Nalimana Stole The Show)
Aegon (son of Nalimana Stole The Show)
Asgard (son of Nalimana Stole The Show)
Arya (dau of Nalimana Stole The Show)
Azra (dau of Nalimana Stole The Show)
Ariel (dau of Nalimana Stole The Show)
IntCh ChBiH ChFBIH ChSer ChMKD Club Winner '23. CW'24.JChSer Nalimana Stole The Show (A/A)
Ser.JCh. Nalimana She is Like The Wind (FCI B)
JCh Srb Nalimana Star In My Heart (HD-A)
Int.Sh.Ch.Bg.Ch.Cyp.Ch.Ser.Ch.Hr.Ch.BiHCh. Afrodite Winner, BIS Equator Szczesliwy Slon JBIS RBIS Ser.JCh.Hu.JCh. (FCI A)
Ch.Pl E. PIANISSIMA Szczesliwy Slon (HDA)
Jr Ch PL, SK, Jr Polish Winner, Ch PL Ha Ha Zidan Szczesliwy Slon (HD-A)
Polish JrCH ANGEL HEART Szczesliwy Slon (HD A (10.2013))
Heralisa Szczesliwy Slom
ART OF BEAUTY Szczesliwy Slon
CH PL Int. Ch. Boogie Woogie Oligarchia Junior Club Winner 2013, Slovenian Winner 2015 Poland Winner (FCI A/A)
PL Ch. Be-Bop-A-Lula Oligarchia (FCI HD A)
Ch. Ba-Ba-Re-Bop Oligarchia (HD A)
Int.Ch, Dt.Ch. PL Ch, German Winner, Slo Winner, B.B. King Oligarchia J. German Winner (FCI HD A)
Bluebird Oligarchia
JCHSer,ChSer, CHBIH Club Winner 2013 BISS Magic Mandoline (FCI A/B)
Ch Ser Magic Monsoon (A)
ChSer JchSer BISS CLUB WINNER '12.'14 Magic Masterpiece (FCI A/A 3.9.2020.)
Magic Pasha
Magic Mediterranean
Magic Mystery
Ch Ser Magic Melody (A)
MultiCH, SrbGCH, BrgJCH Magic Mermaid Of Shadymist (FCI HD:A/B)
SrbCH. SrbJCH Magic Minuet (FCI B)
Ch Ser Magic Moonlight (A/A)
Int.Ch.Srb.Ch, CroCH,Jun.CH,Club Winner '07 Nunsbrook Peregrine Falcon Qualified for Crufts for Life (A1)
IL.CH Nunsbrook Goshawk (B)
Nunsbrook Curlew JW (5 + 7)
Nunsbrook Ptarmigan JW (12:10)
Nunsbrook Linnit At Glentayne (15:7)
JCH Ser Angela's Golden's Daisy (B1)
Ch Srb JCh Srb Dasha In My Heart Bear Of Gold (HD-A)
Dorotea Golden Dust Bear Of Gold (OFA GR-130491G28F-PI)
Donna Golden Promise Bear Of Gold
Drina Golden Shine Bear Of Gold
JR CH Dee Dee Panonia Wind Bear Of Gold (FCI A)
JCh Srb Danube Golden River Bear Of Gold (HD-A)
SrbJCh, SrbCH Dandy Heavenly Blue Bear Of Gold (HD-A)
Diamond's Polar Storm Bear Of Gold
Diamond Nobility Of Knights Bear Of Gold
Dastin Diamond Shine Bear Of Gold
SrbCH, SrbGrandCH Kensington of Sunflower Valley (OFA GR-124624G24M-PI)
Kingsley of Sunflower Valley At Shadymist
Kaleb Of Sunflower Valley (OFA GR-124958G26M-VPI)
Kleopatra of Sunflower Valley
Kasanova of Sunflower Valley
CH Srb Khalil of Sunflower Valley (FCI A/A)
SrbJCh Thornton of Sunflower Valley (FCI HD A-A)
JCh. Srb. Ch. Srb. Tiger Lilly of Sunflower Valley (B-B)
CH. Srb. Sweet Scarlet of Sunflower Valley (HD A)
Sweet Lilly of Sunflower Valley (A)
Sweet Sullivan of Sunflower Valley
Ch. Srb. Sweet Romeo of Sunflower Valley (HD A)
Nat'l & Int'l Ch Sweet Matilda of Sunflower Valley (BVA 6/6)
SrbJCh, SrbCH Gala of Goga's Pride (FCI B)
Gryffyndor of Goga's Pride
Glamorous Soul of Goga
Serb Ch Glory of Love from Goga (FCI HD-B/C)
Gordon of Goga's Love
JCh, ChSrb Gently Heart of Goga (FCI HD - A)
Ch Srb Grand Ch Gogas For Love Bear (A)
Golden Smile from Goga
Glamour Lady of Goga
JCh, ChSrb, Junior Club Winner 2012 Gemma Happy Love of Goga (FCI HD-A/B)
IntCh,JCh,Ch Ser,Club Winner 2011, Swanavly Imperial Peridot (FCI A1 4:5)
Swanavly Imperial Jade (A1 4:3)
Swanavly Imperial Amethyst
IntChSerCh Crufts Qualifiied 2016 Swanavly Imperial Emerald (A1 4:4)
ChSer JunCh Swanavly Imperial Garnet (A/A)
Ch Srb Eternal Flame V.I.M. Team (FCI HD- B)

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