
Golden Retriever

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Boom-A-Rangs Boomer

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Boom-A-Rangs Boomer (AKC SN200591/04)
Jill's Golden Aura (AKC SN20059101)
Krishna Tarragon Chickamuga (AKC SM94457312 (9-93))
Krishna Tarragon Shenandoah CD (SM944573/10)
Krishna's Tarrasgon's Savannah (AKC SM94457308)
Am./Can. CH Glenru's Rusty Nail Can. CD OS SDHF (CKC PJ294218)
Glenru's Gold Dust CanWC CD
Can. CH Krishna Foxwood Charlie B (AKC SC901150)
Can. CH. Ima Foxwood Krishna Any Day
CanCH Ima Foxwood Krishna Any Image CanCDX AmCD (AKC SD544200)
Ima Foxwood Krishna Any Time (AKC SC681701)
Krishna Foxwood Lucy L (AKC SC901151)
Can. CH Farview Ginfiz Of Glenru OD (CKC 991226)
Farview Amun Ra (AKC SD305862)
Farview Janus Of Brynmar (AKC SD055040)
Am./Can. CH. Farview Happy Noisemaker (AKC SC855013)
CH Krishna's Ft Worth Fantasy (AKC SF-383692)
Krishna Frisco Fun Of Red Fork
CH Krishna Galv'ston First Klass TD (AKC SF394203)
AmCH Krishna's Ft Worth Freedom (AKC SF438371)
Krishna's Seadrift Fable (AKC SF404107)
AM/CAN/SKC CH Bruwins Geauxlden Buddy CDX OS SDHF (AKC SD657548 (10-87))
Am. CH Krishna Topaz Kopy Kat CD (AKC SE742279)
Trim Miss Of Santa Fe (AKC SD816255)
Nattie Makie (AKC SM82779103)
Rusty Martin (AKC SF082086)
Lowery's Lady Elsa (AKC SF225873)

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