K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Howeparks Blackthorn

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Howeparks Blackthorn
Howeparks Bluebell
Howeparks Bramble
Howeparks Conker
Howeparks Hazlewood
Howeparks Sweet Chestnut
FTCh Birdsgreen Cluedo of Wedgnock
Birdsgreen Ludo
Birdsgreen Roulette Of Brindlebay
Birdsgreen Baccarat
Birdsgreen Canasta
Birdsgreen Domino
Birdsgreen Solitaire
Birdsgreen Blackjack
FTW Garrethall Quip of Birdsgreen
FtCh Garrethall Quiff
Garrethall Quillan
Garrethall Quire
Garrethall Quicksilver
FTCh Garrethall Quill of Brindlebay
FTCh Waterford Fergus
OFTW Waterford Falcon
FTCh Waterford Featherman
Waterford Farrell
Waterford Fenner
Waterford Fionnlighe
FTW Waterford Faustina
Waterford Febe
FTW Garrethall Myrhh
Garrethall Mya
Garrethall Mystique
FTW Birdsgreen Griffon
Birdsgreen Gretel At Willowmount
Birdsgreen Corn Alshahania
Birdsgreen Cracker
Birdsgreen Georgia Of Flintsfield
Birdsgreen Cane Of Oysterbed
Birdsgreen Cherry
Birdsgreen Giddy Of Higgscroft
Birdsgreen Godiva
Birdsgreen Bronte Of Brindlebay
Birdsgreen Gideon (Labrador, 13-Mar-2011)
Birdsgreen Isaac
Birdsgreen Jaffa Of Rushbrigg
Birdsgreen Gambol
Birdsgreen Gypsy
FTCh Mansengreen Diesel of Birdsgreen
FTCh Mansengreen Dizzy
Mansengreen Dusty of Bedgebrook
Mansengreen Dash of Waxham
Mansengreen Digger
Mansengreen Denzil
Mansengreen Dazzle
Mansengreen Doris
Mansengreen Dipper of Brindlebay
FTW Sebow Laurel of Brindlebay
Stauntonvale Barbera of Westmacott
Stauntonvale Terrano of Dunamoira
Stauntonvale Corvina
Stauntonvale Dolcetto
Stauntonvale Molinara
Stauntonvale Nebbiolo
Stauntonvale Primativo
Stauntonvale Sangiovese at Jobeshill
Stauntonvale Sciava
FTCh Waterford Ganton
Waterford Gairloch
Waterford Gem
Waterford Gusto
Waterford Ghillie of Wendearose
FTCh Waterford Galahad of Tasco
Waterford Gamble of Dipplelodge
FTW Endacott Kite of Chisbrook
Wendearose Franc
Wendearose Copper
Wendearose Penny
Wendearose Ruble
Wendearose Nickel of Roundcopse
Wendearose Euro
Endacott Kestrel
Endacott Kudu
Endacott Kane
Endacott Kittiwake
Endacott Kiwi
Endacott Kess
FTW Wendearose Dime
Wendearose Lira of Decies
Wendearose Dollar
FTCh Waterford Easter
Waterford Endeavour
FTW Waterford Envoy of Heathergaye
Int.FTCh Waterford Edward of Tasco
Waterford Elvis
Waterford Ember of Abney
Waterford Elcamino
FTCh Jobeshill Octavia
NORD JCH Jobeshill Iago
Jobeshill Rosalind
Jobeshill Lorenzo of Bodenham
Jobeshill Ophelia
Jobeshill Portia
Jobeshill Tatania
FTCh Endacott Shelf
Endacott Holly
Endacott Swift of Brindlebay
FTCh Endacott Soames of Riversway
Endacott Storm
Endacott Sweep
Endacott Sally
Endacott Seal
Endacott Seeka
FTW Collaroybanks Willow
Collaroybanks Mulberry
Collaroybanks Laurel
Collaroybanks Juniper
Collaroybanks Ash
Collaroybank Cedar
Collaroybank Guelder Rose
Collaroybank Oak
Collaroybanks Hazel
Collaroybanks Holly

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