
Golden Retriever

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King Triar

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

King Triar
Duck Pass Sargent Sound Off (OFA GR-3000)
Rustin Brennen Congel
Tres Jolie Bonnie
Golden Pines Barry
Trembleau's Golden Rod
Golden Pine's Wit of Windemere
Golden Pine's Ginger Snap
Golden Pine's Bronze Star
Am./Can. CH. Golden Pines Autumn Mist *
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Dunrovin Brandy
Golden Pines' T' Timothy
Brandywine Somerset Ryan
Duck Pass Bronze Flyer
Duck Pass Willow
Am. CH. Milaur's Baal Benefactor CD OS (OFA GR-101)
Milaur's Bathsheba
Milaur's Bali Hi
Am. CH. Milaur's Aurora OD
Am. CH Milaur's Bridget (OFA GR-466)
Milaur's Achilles
Milaur's Destiny Of Goldrush
Am. CH. Milaur's Acheron
AmCH Milaur's Aphrodite OD (OFA GR 511)
Am. CH. Milaur's Athena CD WC (OFA GR-8)
Pam's Khaki
Duck Pass Robin Red Coat
Duck Pass Drake
Dosequises Cacahuate
Sabe's Chula Of Stilrovin
Sabe Lo Todo Of Stilrovin ***
Kathy's Rebel of Stilrovin ***
Heeneekis of Stilrovin ***
Olaita Of Stilrovin ***
Shawnee Of Stilrovin
Honor Brite Of Stilrovin
Can.FTCH,AFTCH Angus Of Stilrovin Am***
Stilrovin Bolt-Away
Jet Express Of Stilrovin WC (OFA GR-97)
Shenandoah of Stilrovin CD *** OD (OFA GRC 074)
Chief Oshkosh of Stilrovin **
Wiota Of Stilrovin
Bonnie Belle Of Stilrovin
Duck Pass Tiffany V Bank
Butch's Golden Ginger Snap
Harbor City Poppa Joe
Harbor City Jill
Amber Jack
Bev's Golden Joker
Rustriva Gold
Mark's Peter Pan Swagger
Evanson's Upland Winchester

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