
Golden Retriever

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Rogerwiek Summer Shine

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Rogerwiek Summer Shine
EE JCH Golden Go-Getters Goldrush
Golden Go-Getters Give me a chance
Multi Jch., Swiss Jch. ILSO Jch., Croatien Jch. Golden Go-Getters Glamour Girl
Golden Go-Getters Glory of Love
Golden Go-Getters Girella Girovino
Golden Go-Getters Glory Love
DK CH (U) Summeramba Last Orders (12.5 years)
Summeramba Top It Up
CanCH Summeramba One For The Road WC CD RA CGN
Eng.Sh.Ch Erinderry Just The Ticket from Bluewaters JW (13 years)
Su Ch & Nor Ch Erinderry Jacobite
Erinderry Jenny Wren
Erinderry Just Jasmine for Applebrook
Summeramba Sherbert Lemon JW
Summeramba Dolly Mixture Among Mitchnel
Summeramba Humbug JW
Summeramba Mint Imperial Of Nirroc
Int.CH. Cyp Multi CH, Bosni/Hercegovini CH. VDH CH, Swiss CH, Ramchaine Silvery Moon
Int.CH., Swedish & Dutch VDH& German CH Ramchaine Moonbeam 2 x UK RCCs
Ramchaine Eclipse Of The Moon
International, Dutch, Swedish, Danish,German, VDH Champion Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres NJK, DJK, W?13
Elgar of the Hellacious Acres
Sonata of the Hellacious Acres
Can Ch Sibelius Of The Hellacious Acres
DT.JGD.(VDH)-CH, Dt. Ch. (VDH), Dt. Ch. (Club), P Haydn of the Hellacious Acres
Brahms Of The Hellacious Acres
German & Gibraltar CH. Ramchaine Moonstruck VDH
Ch. Pl. Ramchaine Medallion (10.5 years)
Can. Ch. Ramchaine Magnetic CGC CCA (10.5 years)
Ramchaine Musketeer
Ch. Ramchaine Motif
Ramchaine Mythical (10 years)
Ramchaine Mysterious
Rogerwiek Applejack
Rogerwiek Big Macintosh
Rogerwiek Pinkie Pie
Rogerwiek Rarity
UA/MOL/GE/SRB/EE CH Vanilla Ice del Valle de Pielagos
Viva La Vida del Valle de Pielagos
Del Valle De Pielagos Games Of Thrones
Jun.Ch.Rus, Club. Ch.Rus, RKF, Club Valentino Rossi del Valle de Pi?lagos
Very Sexy girl del Valle de Pielagos
Spain JCh. Zampanzar Malibu Rum
Zampanzar Lest's Go CD BN RAE RM CGC
Hello Kitty del Valle de Pielagos
Rogerwiek Wild Fire
Rogerwiek Wild Wind
Skylinedog St. Castor
Skylinedog St. Camilla
Skylinedog St. Cecilia
Rogerwiek Mysterious Magnolia
Rogerwiek Mysterious Mermaid
Rogerwiek Mysterious Moonbean
Rogerwiek Mysterious Moonlight
Rogerwiek Mysterious Moonshine
Rogerwiek Mysterious Mimosa
Rogerwiek Mysterious Madam
Rogerwiek Mythical Mummy
Rogerwiek Mythical Monarch
Rogerwiek Mythical Magnate

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