K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Craigluscar Consort

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Craigluscar Consort (KC SB0626AK)
Craigluscar Monarch (KC SB0168AH)
Craigluscar Topper (KC SB0581AH)
Irish Ch, GB.Ch. Craigluscar Echo of Lisnamallard (KC SB1784AH)
Craigluscar Darky
Craigluscar Sirday
Craigluscar Dusk of Blaircourt (KC SB1849AH)
Craigluscar Crocus (KC SB0447AM)
Ch/IndCh Craigluscar Emperor of Blaircourt (KC SB1899AH)
Craigluskar Topper
Darky of Elmbank / Darkie of Elmbank
Ardler Garry
Glenhead Jimmy
Sheba of Crombie / Sheba Queen
Sheba Queen
St. Mary's Dusk
Craigluscar Black Gem (KC SB0075AE)
Black Eagle of Glengour
Black Ensign of Glengour (KC SB0967AD)
Black Emblem of Glengour
Black Arrogance of Glengour
Black Merl of Dolly
Craigluscar Majestic (KC SB0744AD)
Black Derry of Glengour
Valiant Robeson
Black Sheila
Ampney Aquatint
Liddly Meadowsweet
Black Arrogance of Glengour
UKCh Liddly Jonquil (KC SB1756MM)
Liddly Wisteria
Aust.Ch. Liddly Vine (ANKC 11048)
Liddly Magnolia Of Kirk Wood (AKC 898,882 Vol 50)
AmCh Liddly Bulfinch of Wingan Ft.W. (AKC 905778 01-34)
Liddly Tulip (KC SB0245QQ)
Holton Dusk Ft.W.
Holton Diver Ft.W.
Holton Damsel

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