
Golden Retriever

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Elitegold's Here Come My Sun

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Elitegold's Here Come My Sun (CKC FU791658)
Can GCH Evening Stars Geeks Have Needs Too (AKC SR89921103)
Evening Stars Ready To Ride CA DS BCAT (AKC SS00691601)
BOSS GCH CH Evening Star's Just For The Halibut DJ (AKC SR89921101)
GCH CH BISS Evening Stars I'M Listening JH CGC (AKC SR89921104)
GCHS Evening Star's Ready Or Not SDHF (AKC SS00691603)
Evening Star's Al-Ready Planked (AKC SS00691602)
MBIS MBISS GCH CH SHR My Buddy's Boppity-Bop Blue Moon CD JH DJ RA WC VC SDHF OS CGC (AKC SR35626202 (2-09))
My Buddy's Orange U Glad (AKC SR35626207)
My Buddy's Blue 'N Gold CD RN (AKC SR35626203)
CH. My Buddy's Coco Cabana Banana OD (AKC SR35626206)
KaraGold's What Golds Round Comes Round BISS (AKC SR35626201)
BOSS Ch. My Buddy's Pretty In Pink RN, WC, VC, OD (AKC SR35626208)
My Buddy's Ain't E-Z Bein' Green CD JH RE WC CGC (AKC SR35626209)
My Buddy's Unsinkable Molly Brown (AKC SR35626205)
Am. CH Deja Vu's Air Phare Miles OS BIS Sweeps (AKC SN845752/01)
Deja Vu's Phly By Night (AKC SR08883101)
CH KaraGold?s Phee Phi Pho Phun RN WC VC OD CGC (AKC SR12265801)
Karagold's Spice O Life Triumphant CD CCA (AKC SR12265802)
Karagold Liebchen Phorever N' Bluejeans (AKC SR12265807)
Am-Can CH Karagold's Whistlin N'the Wind CD RN OD (AKC SN885558/01)
AmCH Evening Star's Rainbows And Unicorns OD (AKC SR77117901)
Evening Star's Going Green (AKC SR 87058602)
Am Ch Summits Annecy Element Of Surprise (AKC SR66630906)
Annecy's Summit Simply Irresistible at Kuki'o (AKC SR66630905)
Annecy Seasons Golden Moonlight Annie (AKC SR66630901 (11-13))
Annecys Summits I Got The Feelin' (AKC SR66630910)
Annecys Dogwood Saturday Nite Special (AKC SR66630903)
AmCH Dreamworks What U Do Defines U OD (AKC SR61945001)
Dreamworks Mamma Mia (AKC SR43128703)
Am / Can Ch Dreamworks Chiquitita (AKC SR43128701)
Dreamworks Ladies Man (AKC SR43128702)
BISS. CAN, CH. Dreamwork's Makin Memories BPIS (CKC 1098741)
Can.CH Dreamworks Sizzle (AKC SR61945004)
Dreamworks Live Wire CGC (AKC SR61945003)
Am Can CH Dreamworks I Make My Own Luck CGC TDI, Inc (AKC SR61945002)
Elitegold's hole'N One
Numoon's Major Event at Ambercroft (AKC SR59876301)
BIS BISS CH Nautilus Joe Millionare SDHF OS (AKC SR082093/01)
Nautilus Pinkib (AKC SR08209305)
Nautilus V (AKC SR082093/03)
Ch Numoon's Walk In The Park (AKC SR06504301)
Numoon Time To Celebrate (AKC SR03797010)
Prettyriver Mulli O'Ambercroft (CKC UG218997)
Prettyriver Tosca O'Ambercroft (CKC UG219009)
Prettyriver Maggie Ambercroft (CKC UG219010)
Prettyriver Bosley Ambercroft (CKC UG219011)
Prettyriver Jack O'Ambercroft (CKC UG219012)
CanCH Ambercroft's Darren Michael (CKC JY657874)
Tundra Borealis
Ambercroft's Merry Gold Sprite
Ambercroft's Opal from my Life CanCD (CKC ML818127)
Ambercroft's Indian princess (CKC ML818123)

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