
Golden Retriever

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Brackenhollows Dandy Lion S

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Brackenhollows Dandy Lion S
Brackenhollows Lady Regina
Brackenhollow Aurora Bora
Brackenhollow's Sun-Dance **
Brackenhollow's Autumn Hue CDX *** WC
Brackenhollow Misty Dawn
Brackenhollow Golden Yoke
Brackenhollow Shana
Brackenhollow's Apple Brandy CD
Brackenhollow's Lady Tamm
Sherrydan Tag * OS (11.5 years)
Pennard Golden Kerry
Tarmoon Scampi
Sherrydan Pearlbarley
Brackenhollow's Brazen Pixie
Brackenhollow's Cinderella CD
Windermere's Salute
Stuart Drake
Princess Royal Of Westdale
Am. CH. Duke's Orofina OD
Am./Can. CH. East Gate's Golden Nugget ** OS (10.5 years)
Merrifield's Unique
Bonnie Island Lass UDT WC Can. CD TD (15 years)
Wim's Bewitching Samantha
Goldfinger IV
Dame Ambre Lite
Wimtmb's Treasure Of Gold
Windermere's Salute
Stuart Drake
Princess Royal Of Westdale
Am. CH. Prince Royal Of Los Altos SDHF
Prionnsa Sean of Los Altos
Golden Maridean Of Los Altos
Am. CH. Princess Royale Of Los Altos CDX
Am. CH. Sunshine Prince Of Los Altos CDX
Am. CH. Tawny Toro Of Los Altos CDX SDHF (4 years)
Golden Tamyhrra Of Los Altos
Lady Sandra III
Wimtmb (SA455724)
Harrison's Brownie D J
Halverson's Colorado Red
Robbins Sir Golden Robbie
Glory B. of Rocky Ridge
Emmingham's Tina
Hayden's Danny Boy
Ivar Skivar
Tanya Belle's Hallie
Run Away Belle
Princess Mae
Robbin's Lady Gertrude
Waylyn Golden Taffy

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