
Golden Retriever

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HnrBA, IntBA, NatB NTX Goldens Ride Along Sally

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

HnrBA, IntBA, NatB NTX Goldens Ride Along Sally (OFA GR-EL62780F24-C-VPI)
Rejoice's Roxy (OFA GR-EL66286F34-C-VPI)
NatCH, IntCH Nova at the Beach with Golden Dreams
Composer's Marilla Of Golden Dreams
Anni's Rachel Lyned Of The Shenandoah Golden Dreams
Anni's Diana Of The Shenandoah Golden Dreams
The Golden Choice Under The Radar (OFA GR-EL64352M29-P-VPI)
The Golden Choice Giving Light Meira (OFA preliminary normal)
Ruger Of Golden Dreams (OFA GR-EL54784M25-VPI)
Calli Of Golden Dreams (OFA GR-EL54785F25-VPI)
Fantasy Fly Festival
JunChRus Fantasy Fly Funny Boy (0/0)
CH Ukraine Fantasy Fly Fantasia (OFA GR-EL51174F42-VPI)
Fantasy Fly Follow Me
CH Moldova Fantasy Fly Field Day (OFA GR-EL46146M25-VPI)
Fantasy Fly Feel Good (OFA GR-EL45905M25-VPI)
IABCA Nat'l & Int'l CH Fantasy Fly Fromboise (FCI 0/0)
Fantasy Fly First Kiss (OFA GR-EL48656M35-VPI)
C.I.B. Tramin Sarmat (0/0)
Tramin Solringen (0:0)
Tramin Star's Blossom
Tramin Salamandra
Tramin Supreme Love
Tramin Sowelu (FCI 0)
Tramin Still In Love (FCI 0/0)
JCH Ukraine , Moldova, CH , Ukraine, Moldova, Belorus Sunny Delight's Team Star (0\0)
Sunny Delight's Team Squad (FCI 0/0)
SECH Sunny delight's Team Spirit
Shenandoah Cheeri (OFA GR-EL42836F31-VPI)
Max Golden Dream
Journey Cooper Bear
ChSrb Simonis Mackerel Duff (FCI ED0 2012)
ChSrb Field Trial Simonis Marbo Monica (FCI ED0 2011)
ChSrb Simonis Melvin Kein (ED0)
Navilis Do It Again
Navilis Day by Day (0)
Navilis Deal Me In
Int'l JCH Nat'l JCH Int'l CH Nat'l CH Honors CH Navilis Designer Label CGCA, CGCU (OFA GR-EL34206M24-VPI)
Navilis Dj (OFA GR-EL34396M25-VPI)
JunCHUA Navilis Doctor?Dolittle
Navilis Dr. Pepper
Jr NatCH, Jr IntCH, NatCH, IntCH Navilis Divine Find
Jr NatCH, Jr IntCH, NatCH, IntCH Navilis Dynamic Force CGC (OFA GR-EL34063F24-VPI)
Navilis Don't Stop
Navilis Delicious (0)
Wesenberg's Annabelle
Snooki (SR96809904) (OFA GR-EL44110F24-VPI)
UCI Int CH, Int. + Nat. JA Kalocsahazi Don Juan (OFA GR-EL32246M70-VPI)
UCI Int. CH, Int. + Nat. JA CH Kalocsahazi Dely (SR55710301)
Int CH, ICH, HCH, ?CH Dewmist Sandoliano (FCI 0/0)
Dewmist Sandorado
Dewmist Sandomingo (0/1)
Dewmist Sandorelli
HJCH Kalocsahazi Janka
HJCH Kalocsahazi Jeles
HJCH Kalocsahazi Jeges
HJCh. Kalocsah?zi J?gvir?g
Princess Wilkins (OFA GR-EL30820F24-VPI)
Crystal Wilkins (OFA GR-EL30819F24-VPI)
Lizzie Wilkins (OFA GR-EL30818F24-VPI)
Roweton's Mystical Snow
White Creme's Gentle Wind
White Creme Cassiopeia
Mya Rose Disney
Camelot's Trixie Day

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