
Golden Retriever

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Black Ridge Golden's Dip N' Dots

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Black Ridge Golden's Dip N' Dots
Wilberg's Annie Oakley
Lish's Long Haired Country Boy Of Wm Farms JH
Wm Farm Dre Aka Bergs Rascal Duke Dance W Me Henr
WM Farms On The Edge Of The Red Sky JH
HRCH Can CH Goldcker 1Drdogs Next Pushover SH NA NAJ NF WCX OS Can MH WCX TD UTD AGX AGXJ IP JT RN VCX (14 years)
Goldcker's Next 2 The Tracks
Goldcker's Next Chapter
Goldcker's Next1 Gets The Duck
AGMCHV2 SHDCH Goldcker Nextylucyrightytighty CD RE XPV JTV CGN RL1 Am RN OAP OJP NFP CGC
Goldcker's Next Stone Unturned (6 years)
Goldcker's Next Twist
Goldcker's Whatts On Next (11 years)
Goldcker's Next Time Around
Can. Triple CH FTCH AFTCH OTCH Firemark's Push Comes to Shove Can. WCX Am. *** OS (13 years)
Firemark's Big Sky Casseopia
Holcroft's Clyde (3 years)
Firemark Genes By Calvin
Sadie May Firemark
Firemark's Foxy Lady Of WDCRK
Firemark's Shadow of No Doubt SH WCX (12.5 years)
CanCH AGMCHV Goldcker's What's Next RE CD CGN Am OJP NAP NFP RN TNE WVN (14 years)
Goldcker C I'm No Angel
Goldckers C Of Trouble (13.5 years)
Goldcker C The Score (14 years)
Goldcker CIA Agent
Can CH Goldckers C I've Got The Touch (10 years)
Goldckers C Me Go (9 years)
Goldckers City By A Sapphire C (13 years)
SHR SR CH Goldcker's 1DrWhattson The Line JH WC NAP NJP NFP Cn SH WCX CDX AGXS AGXJS RE CGN (14 years)
CanCH Goldcker's What's In The Water CGN (11 years)
Can CH Goldcker's What's The Buzz AGNJ CGN Am TN-N (13 years)
CanCH, U-CH Goldcker's What's In The Beans AGNJ SMADC SAADC SAGDC (10 years)
Goldcker's What A Blast (12 years)
Goldckers What's Standing Tall (13 years)
Goldcker's What's Cookin'
Goldcker's What's Your Hurry (12 years)
Goldcker's What's So Hot (11.5 years)
Old Oak's Under The Red Sky JH
Old Oak's Setting Fire To The Rain MH AX OAJ CCA WC
HRCH and UH Epoch Deveron River MH20 WCX *** OS CCA Can JH WCX (12 years)
SHR Epoch's Reuben on Rye JH WC
Epoch's You Go To My Head ** TD (12 years)
Rockerin The Epic Irishman MH ***
Old Oak's Big Shoes to Fill SH WCX (16 years)
HR UH Old Oak's Highland Hunter SH WC (11 years)
Red Rock's Racin' Reno
Chili's Redhot Habenaro
Old Oak Tesora
Old Oak's Redhot Hemi
Old Oak's Coeur Des Grand Bois
Old Oak's Scarlet
Old Oak's Golden Bear JH (15.5 years)
Brian's Remi JH
Alabama's Dandy Retrieving Sandy
Alabama's Dame Good Bird Dog Bailey
HR SHR MK's Rowdy Boys Raisin A Ruckus JH (14 years)
HRCH UH Heldts Mr Strike 3 Your Out (13.5 years)
Hunter's Goldstrike Comet
Hunter's Goldstrike Fancy
Maycee's Princess Fiona
HRCH UH Emma Bee Payne SH (12 years)
Princess Golden Amber Pegboard
SHR Bridgett's Payne in the Ace
Utah's Bringing It Back Birdie JH
Sungold Emilia Can Fly JH
MK's Sungold Canyon
Piper Cub In The Sky (11.5 years)
Holts Delta Lucille
Buffalo Ridge Golden Jaxson
Sungold Cody III MH WCX (10 years)
Sungold Trifecta OS
Trifectas Will He Bet On Me? UDX OM1 VER RAE MH AX AXJ OF CCA WCX VCX (13.5 years)
Trifecta's SK Cruiser CDX RAE JH
Trifecta's Bette She Will JH
Sungold Beautiful Dreamer
Ctrl Alt Del UD RAE MH50 OA OAJ OF VER CCA WCX VCX HTHF ** OS (10 years)
Sungold Lucki Shilo
Whitey's Ice Cold Bud II SH **
Sungold Stonewall Jackson MH
Cathy's Charming Charlie

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