
Golden Retriever

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Halia's Macarena

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Halia's Macarena (AKC SS30633602)
Halia's Paso Doble (AKC SS30633601)
Halia's Bolero CCA, CGC (AKC SS30633603)
Halia's Flamenco (AKC SS30633604)
Halia's Sardana (AKC SS30633605)
Halia's Fandango (AKC SS30633606)
Halia's Muineira (AKC SS30633607)
Halia's Sevillana (AKC SS30633608)
Halia's Zambra (AKC SS30633609)
Halia's Zarzuela (AKC SS30633610)
Esp.Pt.IB.Lux.Int.Ch.Gr.Pt.Gr.Esp. Back to the Future de Lar De Casanova (FCI LOE2365974 (SPA))
Suisse Ch. Tormenta de Lar De Casanova
Int Ch Jch IB Pt Esp Ivanhoe de Lar De Casanova
MBISS Aust Ch Fantango Backstage Pass (ANKC 2100245790)
Fantango Academy Award
Aust. Ch. Fantango Whata Girlwants
Dewmist Silversong (Other S34456/2004)
Aust CH Dewmist Silverling
Dewmist Silversmith (S34457/2004)
NO UCH, SE U(U)CH Dewmist Silverwing (S34461/2004)
MBISS Aust. Ch. Fantango Centre Stage (Other 2100164615)
Fantango Fame N Fortune
Aust CH Fantango First Knight (Other 2100164612)
VWW.20.EW'16.EJW'15.SPA.INT.PT.GBZ CH/ ES,PT JCH, PPW-15, PMW-15 Jako's Tribute To Lar De Casanova PAN
N UCH. Jakos Take My Breath Away
Jako's Tell Me A Story
Jako's Treat Me Kindly
INT.Ch, 3xBISS, JChRus, JChClub, ChRus, ChClub, ChRKF, GrandCh, ChBlr, GrandChBlr, ChAz, GrChAz Jako's Together Keep Love (Unknown RKF 3942282)
Jako's Touch the Astral Sky
Es.Pt.GI.Int.Ch.JCH.Pt.Gr.Pt.Ch.PPW13.PW14. Legolas Revolucion de Lar De Casanova (Other LOE 2099868)
Ocean Warrior De Lar De Casanova with Motlaisa
Int.Spa.Port.Gbr.Ch.V- EWJ?13. Spa / Port/ Gbz /.JCh. Trinity Ilusion De Lar De Casanova JCh.CER/1st in Yearling Class at Crufts 2014
Legolas Revolution de Lar De Casanova
Ciclope only you de lar de casanova
NORDJV-10 N UCH Jako's Hope For The Future (FCI NO58743/09)
Jako's Here I come
Jako's Hurricane (FCI SE17979/2010)
Halia's Christmas In Killarney CCA, THD, CGC, TKN (AKC SS03378701)
Halia's Ring Of Kerry (AKC SS03378702)
Halia's Dublin Castle CGC (AKC SS0378703)
Halia's Wild Atlantic Way (AKC SS03378704)
Halia's Galway Bay CCA (AKC SS03378705)
DTS.CH & VDH CH. Dream Max An Apple A Day (Other S13247/2005)
Int'l Ch. Dream Max Apple Of My Eye (AKC SR27302901)
Dream Max Little Green Apple
DK & SWE SH & FIN CH, SVCH Dream Max Paradise Apple
Dream Max Apple Jack
SU(U)CH Dream Max Apple Blossom
Can.Ch Dream Max Apple Computer (CKC 1092298)
Intl/Natl CH Dream Max The Big Apple (AKC SR27302903 (5-12))
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Jazzman's Da Capo (Other SwedKC # S56681/200)
Jazzman's De Lillo
Jazzman's Double Hope
SU(U)CH NUCH Eplepai av Vervik (Other S52608/2002)
DK CH Eplegutten av Vervik (Other DKK 20064/2001)
NuCh. Epleskrotten Av Vervik
Epleboom av Vervik (Other N17144/01)
Ivory Blaze Twice As Nice CCA, CGC (AKC SR89578501)
Ivory Blaze Trendsetter
Ivory Blaze Trademark
Ivory Blaze Traveller
Preston of the Morning Valley
President Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR77641703 (12-16))
Papermoon of the Morning Valley
CIE ?CH. HRSHCH. SLOSHCH. ?JCH. SLOJCH. HRJCH. Prerogative of the Morning Valley (FCI ?HZB GR 6780A)
Priority Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR77641701)
Pamberly of the morning valley
DTS. CH. , VDH.CH Passionate of the Morning Valley (FCI NHSB 2908063)
Peaches of the Morning Valley
Polar Express Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR77641702)
Ivory Blaze Days To Come

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