
Golden Retriever

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Star Crowned Welsman female pup

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Star Crowned Welsman female pup
Star Crowned Once In A Blue Moon
Star Crowned Blue Sun Incorporated
Star Crowned Blue Label Of Stoneledge (OFA GR-122518F24M-VPI)
Star Crowned Splendid Murphy
Am Ch Stoneledge Out Of The Blue (OFA GR-111269F24M-VPI)
Azure Stoneledge Let It Be Mee (OVC clear)
SCH EN URO2 UAGI CA Azure A Scandal In Bohemia TD CGN WC CA RN AGI-1 URO2 EN CSSDF-A-CH RATI RATO (OVC Normal 0044366 BVA 3:6)
Azure's Afrikaan Beat (OVC 0044350)
Synergold Blue Moon At Stoneledge (OFA GR-104482G24F-VPI)
CanGCH Synergold Moonstruck at Thistledown
Synergold Moonlight Moonie
Synergold Hunter's Moon (OFA GR-107550G39M-NOPI)
IABCA Int. CH. Star Crowned Divine Light (UKC ptd.) (OFA GR-99751E24F-VPI)
Star Crowned White Knight (UKC ptd.) (OFA Prelim Good @ 15 mos.)
Star Crowned Finn McCool
Star Crowned Royal Scot
Star Crowned Homeport Princess Chaunce
Star Crowned Sir Maxwell
Star Crowned Galileo Let Me Go
Star Crowned Prince Cody
Can. CH. Kyon's Hot To Trot OS (OFA GR-62378G28M-T)
U-CH., UCI Int. CH. Star Crowned London Calling CD, RE, WC, CCA, CGC (OFA GR-90129E26F-PI)
Star Crowned Sirius
Star Crowned Dark Side Of The Moon RN (OFA GR-90480G28F-PI)
Star Crowned Chloe (OFA GR-90200G24F-PI)
Star Crowned Rudie Can't Fail
Star Crowned Arondel Castle
Star Crowned Corindabella

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