
Golden Retriever

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A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Glenn's Timber
Jentri Jo Shumway
River King
Golden Hunting Ruger
Fry's Bailey (OFA GR-127879E30F-VPI)
Shadow Lillie (OFA GR-123813G25M-NOPI)
Jl Miss Lexi (OFA GR-128562G32F-VPI)
Ruger Aslan
Little Sam Austin (OFA GR-110610G24F-NOPI)
Miss Ginger Leigh
Walter Wagstaff SH (OFA GR-101010G24M-VPI)
Charly Grace Austin (OFA GR-106207G33F-NOPI)
Nikki Honey
Kk Shadow's Sundance
Bella Mi Bushey (OFA GR-123451G60F-VPI)
Sky Lillie
Anniversary V
Max's Golden Nugget IV (OFA GR-115668G56M-VPI)
Maximillion's Golden Bear
C.J.'s Jingle Surprize (OFA GR-97191G24F-VPI)
Kanela Rose Red Reba Of Winters Ca
Nevada's Miss Precious Magnolia
Little Miss Cinnamon and Spice
Shortridge's Bubba Cash
Neilsons Little Miss Bella Blue
Bubba's Best Brutus

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