K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Rocheby Horn Piper

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Rocheby Horn Piper
GB SHCH Rocheby Horn Blower (KC KCSB 3064DB)
Rocheby Sweet Caroline
LT, LV CH Rocheby Silver Heather (L?VK LR 3090/14)
Sh Ch Rocheby Sweet Sensation (KC KCSB 0498DA)
Sh Ch Rocheby Sensational (KC KC4080CZ)
Rocheby Town Cryer
Rocheby Small Talk (KC SB 2008CZ)
Rocheby Toast Master
Rocheby Reed Spinner (Other KCSB 4042CY)
Rocheby Silk Gown
Rocheby Softly Spoken (Other KCSB 1878CW)
AM Ch Rocheby Goldsmith (AKC SR54322502)
Rocheby Diamante (FCI LOF 200696/28343)
Rocheby Coronet (FCI LO0973554)
Rocheby Wild Snowdrop
Rocheby White Violet
Ch Rocheby Ace Of Diamonds
Sh Ch Rocheby State Occasion (FCI SB 3242CQ)
Sh Ch Rocheby Statesman (Other KCSB 3823CR)
Rocheby State Diplomacy
Rocheby Snow Orchid (Other KC AE03378202)
Rocheby Witch Hazel (Other KCSB 2971CR)
EE CH BALTW-06 Rocheby Liberty Belle (FCI EST00509/05)
RUS Ch Rocheby Royal St. Andrew
Rocheby Raindrops over Suttonpark (KCSB 2969CR)
UK Sh Ch Kilburnpark Miss Maureen At Rocheby (KC SB1469DA)
Eng Sh Ch Silver Suede Over Rocheby (Other KCSB 0274CR)
Int. Ch., NLCh, FRCh Ahti Aspen of Finnwoods (FCI LOF 152161/18382)
Alvar Birch of Finnwoods (FCI VDH/LCD99/F0730)
Beauty Violet Eye of Finnwoods
Aura Rowan of Finnwoods (FCI VDH/LCD99/F0734)
Bridgeford Crystal Clear Over Rocheby (Other KC AB01156103)
Bridgeford Bramble Hedge At Rocheby
Braithwell Summer Song
Pol Ch. Saranden Comanche JW ShCM (KC KCSB 0062CU)
Braithwell Annie Walker (KC SB2570CX)
Braithwell Ernie Wise To Jimdi

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