
Golden Retriever

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Inverness Delta Fletcher

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Inverness Delta Fletcher
Evergreen Cracklin' Cris UD SH WCX
OTCH Heelalong Cracklin' Sunfire TDX OS WC OBHF
Sunfires Little Hot Shot UD SH WCX NAHRA-started (8 years)
Heelalong Why Not Wyant CDX
Sun Fire's Running Bear
Sun Fire's Double Ringer
Sun Fire's Golden Taffy
Sun Fire's Touch Of Spark UDT,WCX (13 years)
AFC Wild Fire Of Riverview CDX WCX OS FDHF (12 years)
Riverviews Cockleburr
Somday's Flyaway Flair WC
Somday's Rising Sun Fire
Somday's Tally-O-Tawny UD
Shoreland's Somday Shahasta
Somday's Mike (15 years)
Wildfire's Winnie The Pooh
Wildfires TG Peach Parfait
Wildfire's Hunter's Run WC
Wildfires Zebulon Pike
Am./Can. CH. Topbrass Durango Brave CDX WC OS Can. CD
Am./Can. CH. Topbrass Topeka of Sunstream CD WC OD (8.5 years)
Topbrass Beckwiths Frisco CD
Am CH Topbrass Ad-Lib's Bangor CD *** OD (15 years)
Topbrass Tam O'Paisley CD
Am. CH. Topbrass San Francisco Flame OD (8 years)
Am. CH Pekay's Vanilla Sundae WC
Pekay's Yellow Moon
Pekay's Valentine Lace
Pekay's Very Special Roland
Pekay's Very Rebellious
Inverness Delta Cumbak Sheba
Inverness Delta Genesis Joy
Inverness Delta Cracklin KC
Evergreen Cracklin' Cris UD SH WCX
OTCH Heelalong Cracklin' Sunfire TDX OS WC OBHF
Sunfires Little Hot Shot UD SH WCX NAHRA-started (8 years)
Heelalong Why Not Wyant CDX
Sun Fire's Running Bear
Sun Fire's Double Ringer
Sun Fire's Golden Taffy
Sun Fire's Touch Of Spark UDT,WCX (13 years)
Wildfire's Winnie The Pooh
Wildfires TG Peach Parfait
Wildfire's Hunter's Run WC
Wildfires Zebulon Pike
Hunteruns Millie On Air CD JH
Taragold's Night Train (8.5 years)
Taragold's Nights In Wht Satin
Taragolds New Kid In Town (12.5 years)
Taragold's Neverending Story (10.5 years)
Hunterun's Get'em Wookie

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