
Golden Retriever

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Karizma's Sister Golden Hair CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Karizma's Sister Golden Hair CGC (AKC SS02343904)
CH Karizma Rock 'N Roll Dream With Sunrunner (AKC SS02343905)
CH Karizma Sunrunner N Shardust Don'T Stop Believin' (AKC SS02343902)
MBISS GCH Sunrunner Surefire Karizma (AKC SS02343901)
AmCH CanGCH Verdoro's Christopher Robin OS (AKC SR59134901 (9-11))
Verdoro's Pooh Ja'Vue Of Forum (AKC SR59134902)
Verdoro's Grand Poohbah Of Forum (AKC SR59134903)
BIS BISS Am. CH Monogram's Bada Bing SDHF OS (AKC SR190069/01)
Monogram's Forbidden Fruit (AKC SR190069/02)
CH. Monogram's All Due Respect (AKC SR190069/03)
Am/Can CH Chuckanut Party Favour O Novel SDHF OS (AKC SN80494801 (6/01))
Am CH Monogram's Prime Time (AKC SN78005901)
Am. CH. Monogram's Coffee Time (AKC SN780059/02)
Monogram's Camelot (AKC SN85208702)
Monogram's Braveheart (AKC SN85208701)
MACH Monogram's Once Upon A Time MXS MJG OAP OJP (AKC SN780059/03)
Monogram's Time Square (AKC SN780059/04)
Can Ch Verdoro's Switcheroo (CKC SQ121045)
Verdoro's Switch Hitter
Can Ch Verdoro's Main Switch
Can Ch Verdoro's Listen Up At Cherren TD (CKC NJ895160)
Can Ch Verdoro's Up And Coming CD CGN (CKC NJ895155)
Am/Can CH Verdoro Acting Up at CaneD'Oro JH, WC, CGC, TDI (AKC SR159918/01)
Can Ch Verdoro's Pi Beta Phi (CKC NE866081)
Can Ch Verdoro's Alpha Epsilon Pi
Ch Sunrunner Party Like a Rockstar at Karizma (AKC SR73051407)
Am. CH. Perrecca Grenada OS (AKC SN90333801 (7/03))
Aust. CH. Perrecca Gunnason
Aust./Eng. Ch. Stanroph Shogun KCJW (Other KCSB 0503CH)
Stanroph September Song Of Gleethorne (Other KC Reg. U3568703U03)
Stanroph Simply Heaven Of Souliena (Other KC Reg. U3568701U03)
Stanroph Simply Stunning of Pacimini (Other KC Reg. U3568702U03)
Aust. CH. Perrecca Adelaide (ANKC 2100079062)
Perrecca Apollo
Karizma Dancing With The Stars (AKC SR52258104)
Ch Karizma's Make Me A Super Model (AKC sr52258105)
Ch Karizma I Am A Survivor (AKC SR52258101)
Am.Can. Ch Sunbeam Toasty Take Five (AKC SR068427/03)
Sunbeam Toasty Five and Dime
Ch. Toasty Sunbeam Five Star General (AKC SR06842701)
CH Karizma Payday It Forward (AKC SN92604306)
Sunbeam Awesome Classic Taffy (AKC SN92604304)
Ch. Karizma's Willy Wonka (AKC SN926043/01)
Karizma's Kona Cotton Candy
Karizma's HiFlying Sugar Babe
Sunbeams Taffe Candy
Sunbeam Karizma Peppermint Patty (AKC SN926043/02)

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