
Golden Retriever

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Amber Valley's Kyrago Desilu

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Amber Valley's Kyrago Desilu (AKC SR40841002)
Meile's Honey Bear (AKC SR47189408 (8-10))
Camiras Heeza Cassanova (AKC SR23596103 (12-06))
Gleneden Here Comes The Sun (AKC SR07859203)
Sunshine Hill's Good Buddy (AKC SN71749608 (9-01))
Green Meadow Poochie (AKC SN42795303)
Frosty's Rosie Fisher (AKC SN60459005)
Frostys Sam (AKC SN16575301 (12-95))
QueenieHershey (AKC SN25524305)
Goldie Brownie (AKC SN25524307 (3-98))
Honeywood's Timberlyn Storm (AKC SR11641702 (8-06))
Honeywood Neo's WinterSurprise (AKC SN90192106)
Honeywood's Josie Rose (AKC SN90192101)
Honeywood Brodie's Winterheart (AKC SN90192105)
Honeywood Tobias Autumn Wind (AKC SN66716803)
Top Hat's Belle Madison (AKC SN53448805)
Top Hat's Ashley's Too Koot (AKC SN53448802)
Honeywood Brodie's Winterheart (AKC SN90192105)
Honeywood's Josie Rose (AKC SN90192101)
Honeywood Neo's WinterSurprise (AKC SN90192106)
Honeywood Tobias Autumn Wind (AKC SN66716803)
Top Hat's Belle Madison (AKC SN53448805)
Top Hat's Ashley's Too Koot (AKC SN53448802)

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