Lily's White Sir Axel Sherlock (OFA GR-137548G33M-C-VPI) Lily's White Bunny Duchess Of Blackberry Trails | Silvermist Apollo Apprentice (OFA GR-121992F43M-VPI) Murphy's Brave Thistledown Farm's Sweet Little Sheila (OFA GR-116974G30F-VPI) Cream of the Crop's Roman Flame Dream Goldens Einstein Thistledown Farm's Mr. Darcy Thistledown Farm's Mr. Knightley (OFA GR-119420G33M-VPI) Judahs Vvictor (OFA GR-118576F30M-VPI) Masts Snowy English Cream Pawsitive Touch Benjiman (OFA GR-118709G31M-VPI) Yoder's Sandy II Fishers Ace English Cream Miller's Sophie | | Lil Bit O Goldens Patty @ DGA Hulfachor's Royal Duke | Navilis Fall In Love Navilis Fancy Folly (OFA GR-118515G32M-VPI) Navilis Fool Proof (A) Int/Nat Ch Int/Nat BaCh Navilis Fairy Tale CGC (OFA GR-116538G24F-PI) | IntCh, MultCh, ChSK, GrChSK, ChSRB, GrChSR, ChUA Evidog Kasino (Unknown Ing. Eva Sikova) Evidog Kiwi (HD B1) Evidog Kayla (BVA 4:5) Dutch JCH / VDH-JCH Evidog Kartago RheinlandPfalz-Sieger '13/Jug. Sieger Rostock '11 (HD-A) | INTER Ch, MULTI Ch, Ch.UA,GEO,MOL,BES Navilis Attract Attention GrChUA,GEO,MOL,JCh.Ua, Ft-Duck (AA) Navilis All Inclusive Navilis Ace In The Hole Navilis Adrenalin Rush JCH UA Navilis Amazing Flame Navilis Admired Wonder |
| The Ocean Is My Only Medication | |