
Golden Retriever

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Emerson's Whatcha' Got Cookin'

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Emerson's Whatcha' Got Cookin'
Emerson's Leftovers Are For Quitters
CH Emerson's Aw, Shucks! SIN SCN CGC
Emerson's Risk It For The Biscuit
Emerson's Eyes On The Pies
CH EtaDOro's Red E For A Dram CD RE (OFA GR-EL48921M24-VPI)
MACH10 Etadoro Red Top Hat MXG3 MJS3 NAP NJP MXF T2B
Etadoro's Red E For A Good Time JH WC
Etadoro's Incredibly Cool Spring Scout
Am./Can. CH. Chantelle On Your Mark CGC OS (OFA GR-EL11417M24-PI)
Chantelle Take Aim at Medallion (OFA GR-EL13377F26-PI)
Medallion Starring Role (OFA GR-EL9327M24-PI)
Ellie Mae Hamner
Medallion Stargazer
Medallion Morning Star
Chantelle Pegged At First (OFA GR-EL8881F93-NOPI)
Chantelle Ozzie
Chantelle Stella
GCH EtaDOro's Gordie Howe Hat Trick RA (OFA GR-EL39003M24-VPI)
EtaDOro's Sycamore of Catan
EtaDOro’s Union Jack
Etadoro's Bitagold Ouija Love Me (OFA GR-EL38170F26-VPI)
Etadoro Gammons Golden Point CGC
Etadoro Gehrig's Triple Crown
Etadoro Liberty Belle Kaylee
Etadoro Life's A Beach
Etadoro's Carli Lloyd Hat Trick
Etadoro's Life Is Good
Etadoro's Lucky Seven
Etadoro's Ping Pong Paisley
Etadoro's Triple Double
Etadoro's Triple Word Score
EtaDoro's Stars And Stripes CGC
Etadoro's Stars And Stripes Forever
Etadoro Patton's Battle Of The Bulge
Etadoro Old Glory
GCH EtaDOro Banner's Sunshine Glory RI DSX2 DJ CGCA (OFA GR-EL32085M28-VPI)
EtaDOro's Birdie Golden Bell CD BN RE CGC
CH Lycinan's Good Sport CD OS (OFA GR-EL-20860M24-VPI)
Graceken Highmark Hope For Liberty Risk OD (OFA GR-EL24519F24-VPI)
GraceKen Highmark Hope of Glory
Copperfield's I Believe In Pink JH WC CA DN CGCA CGCU TKA (OFA GR-EL46901F26-VPI)
AM CH Copperfield's What The Truck! (OFA GR-EL46902M26-VPI)
CH Maximus Golden Trip Crazy In Love BOSS DN (OFA GR-EL38357M24-VPI)
Golden Trip Maximus Live to Life
Goldentrip Maximus Live The Life
CH BIS Golden Trip Maximus On The Road 66 (OFA GR-EL39669M28-PI)
Maximus Golden Trip Falling In Love With You (OFA GR-EL38546F24-VPI)
Multi BIS BISS Am GCHS CH Summits The Titanic OS SDHF (OFA GR-EL21863M24-VPI)
Summit Sombra's No Small Affair
CH Summits Carrera Something To Talk About (OFA GR-EL22058F24-VPI)
Summits Conair
Summits Pretty Women
Am CH Summits Annecy The Rock (OFA GR-EL22056M26-VPI)
Br Ch Golden Trip Bambola (OFA GR-EL31323F24-VPI)
Br Ch Br GrCh Goldentrip I Glad You Came
Golden Trip Frank
Gr ch Int Pan goldentrip hangover (OFA GR-EL31324F24-VPI)
Goldentrip Im Sexy and i know it
Br CH Goldentrip Move like Jager (OFA GR-EL32061M28-PI)
Copperfield's You Owe Me Big Time (OFA GR-EL38466F34-VPI)
Int CH Seasons Golden Smiley Imogi (OFA GR-EL36567F25-VPI)
Madam Peaches Of Rabbit Run
AmCH Kelore Gold-Rush Chips Ahoy (OFA GR-EL19481M26-VPI)
Kelore's Cookie Be Good (OFA GR-EL20957F34-VPI)
Kelore Gold-Rush Nilla Wafer (OFA GR-EL21170F30-VPI)
Kelore Gold Rush Tiger
Gold-Rush Fabulous Fern (OFA GR-EL27339F24-VPI)
CH Snyder's Rock You Like A Hurricane At Trademark

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