
Golden Retriever

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Nala Williams CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Nala Williams CGC (AKC SS12532409)
Int'l CH Carolina Country Golden's Cash (AKC SR74840802 (9-15))
Icewinds Dancing With The Stars (AKC SR86811702)
Breve (SR94125506) (AKC SR94125506)
White Sand By The River (AKC SR94125505)
Covenant Crane Buddy (AKC SR94125503 (1-18))
Icewinds Gora Koshtantau Miesha (AKC SR94125504)
Icewinds Klyuchevskaya Sopka Kamchatka (AKC SR94125502)
Legacy's Bouncer Of Shady Creek (AKC SR86811704)
Dreamgiver Ranch Breve
Celtic Pride Finnigan (AKC SR94125507 (12-17))
Jun RUS CH; RUS CH; RKF CH Difiramb Iz Stolitsy Urala (AKC SR74053501 (1-13))
JCHRUS,CHRUS,CHKAZ,CHRKF,CLUBCH Dzhentri iz Stolitsy Urala (Other RKF 2803652)
Diadema Zhemchuzhnaya iz Stolisy Urala
Ch.Rus Do Re Mi iz Stolitsy Urala
RUSCH ,JCHRUS, 4xCHNKP, CHRKF All My Dream in Famous Family
ISShCh Allways on My Mind of Famous Family
C.I.B. , GrChSK, ChSK, ChPL, ChRO Cinderella of the Famous Family
RoJCH, RoCH Caruso Of The Famous Family Derby Winner
HJCH All Need in Famous Family
Russian JunCh, Rus Ch, RKF Ch ULYBKA IZ STOLITSY URALA Club Champion (FCI 2257378)
JunCH.RUS,CH.RUS,Jun.CH.NKP Chudnaya Feeriya Iz Stolitsy Urala (AKC SR63677301)
Week-End Iz Stolitsy Urala (AKC SR59773501 (4/2010))
Young Champion of Russia, CH of Russia, CH of RKF Uletnaya Krasotka Iz Stolitsy Urala
Pannon Terra Eagle Eye (AKC SR53606003 (8-10))
Pannon Terra Etalon (AKC SR53606004)
Pannon Terra Evita (AKC SR53606002 (3-10))
Pannon Terra Eragon (AKC SR53606001 (6-10))
Int.Ch,Multi Ch,Multi Jun.Ch Erinderry Night Dreamer National Working Ch.,Clubwinner 09' (FCI KC AG00322902)
Ir Sh Ch Erinderry Nightingale
D.CH; VDH.CH.,D.Vet.CH; D.Vet.CH.VDH; Erinderry Night to Remember
Dt. Champion (DRC & VDH) Erinderry Night of Delight Deutscher Jugendchampion (DRC & VDH)
Multi CH Erinderry White Satin Night
CAC Zampanzar Happy Land
Carolina Country Golden's Savvy (AKC SR94431808 (4-19))
Copperfield's Take-A-Chill Pill! (AKC SR66147907 (3-12))
GCH CH Glaciers Not A Trick Just A Treat (AKC SR66147905)
Glaciers Which Witch is Which
Glaciers Ghost Ryder-N-The Sky
BISS Am. CH Hytree's Ryd-N- Out The Storm SDHF OS (AKC SN87709103)
Hytree's May Bee A Classic (AKC SN911139/07)
Hytree's Rev'dUp N RarinToGo (AKC SN877091/01)
Hytree's Quick As A Wink (AKC SN87709105)
Hytree's Just Maybe (AKC SN91113905)
AM CH Hytree N' Honor's Mayday Malone (AKC SN91113903)
Hytree N April's Pedal To The Medal (AKC SN87709104)
CH. Hytree's I Wish I May CDX TDX WC VCX (AKC SN91113901)
Glaciers Wild Blue Legacy (AKC SR49081303)
Glaciers A Rio Runs Through It (AKC SR53350402)
KOR Ch Glaciers Mild Blue Yonder (AKC SR53350405)
Glacier's D-I-Double-T-O
Glaciers Beyond The Wild Blue (AKC SR49081301 (6-10))
Glaciers Forever Blue Yonder (AKC SR49081302)
Glacier'Swon Cool Chick (AKC SR53350404 (11-13))
Carolina Country Golden's Wynter (AKC SR85193308 (11-16))
INT CH Summer Oaks Be My Cover Girl (AKC SR90716501)
Copperfield's Maybe Next Time (AKC SR90716502 (1-18))
Hyatts' Haven (AKC SR85193306 (4-17))
Hyatts' Winter Wonder (AKC SR90716503)
INT CH Rivendell's Point Of No Return CGCA CGCU TKN TDI (AKC SR90716506)
Can. CH. Millstones Bad To The Bone (AKC SR73299807 (8-14))
Millstones The Cat Did It
Copperfields Tis The Season (AKC SR70730001 (8-14))
Seasons Golden Wrangler (AKC SR70730002 (5-14))

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