Tracey Sanitacteam Day Tinette Sanitacteam Day Terence Sanitacteam Day Techno Sanitacteam Day Targus Sanitacteam Day Tatcher Sanitacteam Day | WT Fern Flower Hummer (FCI HDA 2019) Fernflower Holiday (FCI HDA 2019) | GRAND RUS CH/CLUB/RKF CH Fern Flower Great Gatsby (A/A) Fernflower Givenchy from Couture Fernflower Golgen Legend | WW'16, WW'18, EuW'21, IntCh, MultiCh Lozung Absolute Legend FernFlower (B) IntCh, Ch Rus, Cz, Lt, Lv, Est, Blr Lozung Above the Dream (A/A) European Winner'17, International Champion Lozung Absent for Cataleyagold (A/A) Lozung All Eyes On Me (A/A) | JCH RUS, JCH BLR, JCH Club, CH RUS, CH RKF, CH Club Cantrygold Yubressa Sandra (A/A) EST JCH Cantrygold Yuhanna Ringokris |
| JCH RUS, JCH Club, CH RUS, CH Club, CH RKF, CH BLR, 4x CACIB Fern Flower Arctic Fox | |
| JChMK, WT, Crufts qualified Carolina Sanitacteam Day (FCI HDA 2017) Captain Skywalker Sanitacteam Day (OFA GR-123888G24M-VPI) Cinderella Sanitacteam Day (OFA GR-126334F31F-VPI) Cadrick Sanitacteam Day (OFA GR-123871G24M-VPI) Casper Sanitacteam Day Conan O'Brien Sanitacteam Day Coco Shanell Sanitacteam Day Chelsy Sanitacteam Day | InterCh / ChSRB / ChMNE /WT Raymond Sanitacteam Day (FCI HDA 2014) Rafaela Sanitacteam Day (FCI HDA - 2015) ICH/CQ/SRB/MNE/MAK/ WT/ Robertina Sanitacteam Day (FCI HDA 2014) Reina Sanitacteam Day (OFA GR-113376G24F-VPI) Ricardo Sanitacteam Day | CIE, CIB, ?JCh, ?Ch, HRCH, SKCH, SLCH, HUCH, CZCH Race The Sun de Ria Vela Top Dog 2012 (A/A 2010) Raggio Di Sole De Ria Vela (A (2010)) roma eterna de ria vela And. CH. Romanza de Ria Vela (A (2011)) MltCh, JChRus & NRC, Bye Romeo de Ria Vela Mak/Cher/Bul/Mol/Rom/Ser/Bal Ch Remember Me de Ria Vela (BVA 4:4) | ChSrb Field Trial Simonis Gabi (FCI A0 2010) |
| ICH/SRB/MNE/MAK/S.MARINO Dewmist Donnaliza (FCI HDB0 2012) SE U(U)CH, DK UCH, NO UCH Dewmist Diversity (FCI A1) JKC CH Dewmist Dalrymple (B) Dewmist Drummerboy (FCI B) | |