K9data.comLabrador Retriever

PL Ch Alma Blanca Bella Mare

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

PL Ch Alma Blanca Bella Mare (FCI 0/0)
SE U(U)CH SE V-13 SE JV-13 Annual's Play With Me (FCI 0/0)
NORD UCH DK JV-13 Annual's Poker Star (FCI 0/0)
SEU(u)CH PLjCH Seawind Polish Poker (0/0)
Seawind Pennies From Heaven (normal)
Seawind Double Bonus (0/0)
BISS AmCH Wit's End Jacks Or Better At Blackwing (OFA LR-EL47287M25-VPI)
Wit's End Real Quiet (OFA Normal)
BISS CH Allegheny's Bells Of Ireland (OFA LR-EL31899F26-PI)
SE U(U)CH Annual's Texas Rose (0)
SE(U)CH Annual's Teddy Bear (0:0)
SE U(U)CH Annual's Take A Bet (FCI 0)
Ch Annual's The Dreamer (0/0)
Annual's Tell Me A Secret (0)
BISS Am CH Annual's Texas Ranger (OFA LR-EL52212M26-VPI)
SE(u)UCH Annual's Trendsetter (0/0)
Annual's The Navigator
Annual's Two To Tango (0)
Annual's Tiger Lily (0)
Annual's True Love
Annual's The Gossip Girl (0)
JCh. Annual's The Great Pretender (0/0)
SE(u)UCH SE V-12 Annual's Tartan Girl (0)
Annual's Navy Girl (0:0)
SE U(U)CH Annual's Nice Device (0:0)
AmGCH CanCH U-CH Annual's Nostalgic At Hilldreams (OFA LR-EL48243M25-VPI)
SEUCh Annual's Never Been Kissed (FCI 0)
CH Dickendall Buckstone SuZen (0:0)
Dickendall Buckstone AmaZen
MBISS Am GCH CH Pol CH Dickendall Buckstone Three Dog Night (0:0)
MBISS AmGCHB CanCH Saddlehill Late Knight Scramble WC (OFA LR-EL50607M24-VPI)
Am CH Dickendall Princess Phoebe WC
Saddlebrooke Dickendall Sophie (OFA Normal)
Dickendall Buckstone Zen In Rome (OFA Normal)
Dickendall Buckstone And Zen Some (OFA Normal)
Nirvana's Dickendall Zen Master (OFA LR-EL39652M30-VPI)
Dickendall Charity
Nirvana's Jelilah
Dickendall Hope
Dickendall Hero
Aquamarine-Wave Manna

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