
Golden Retriever

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Copperfield's Very Bad Good Thing CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Copperfield's Very Bad Good Thing CGC
Can. CH. Millstones Bad To The Bone (OFA GR-EL31811M24-VPI)
Millstones The Cat Did It
MBISS MBOSS CH Cosmic Goldstorm Cowboy Hardware SDHF OS (OFA GR-EL17538M24-VPI)
Goldstorm Hard White Diamond
Goldstorm Most Eligible Bachelor
Goldstorm Got The Most Moves BISS
CH Goldstorm Hard To Resist (OFA GR-EL17828F25-VPI)
Goldstorm Hardly A Whisper (OFA GR-EL18233F26-VPI)
CH Goldstorm First And 4 Most CDX RN WC VC (OFA GR-EL20295F25-VPI)
CH Goldstorm Play Hard (OFA GR-EL18750M30-VPI)
Goldstorm Bravo Most Refreshing (OFA GR-EL20471F26-VPI (Normal))
Goldstorm Hard Summer Breeze
BISS CH Bravo's Old Spice SDHF OS (OFA GR-EL11702M94-PI)
Bravo Sheffield Sex On The Beach (OFA GR-EL04835-PI)
CH Bravo's Paco Rabanne
Am/Can/Int'l CH Bravo HuntChase Alabama Slammer (OFA GR-EL10067M69-PI)
BISS CH Bravo Apollo's Southern Comfort SDHF OS
Bravo's Chanel Allure JH
CH Bravo's Bahama Mama (OFA GR-EL5123F36-PI)
CH Goldstorm Pardon Me Boys OD (OFA GR-EL11452F34-PI)
Goldstorm Tribute To The Boys
Goldstorm Goldance Boys-R-Us (OFA GR-EL10902F31-PI)
UKC CH./INT CH Millstones Leader Of The Pack 'Scout UCICB (OFA GR-EL24922F24-VPI)
Millstones Reaching Top Speed Cheeta
Millstones Sculptors Masterpiece
UKC GRCH/Int./Nat Ch. Chien D'Or'S-Millstones Golden Earl (OFA GR-EL20701M24-VPI)
Chien D'Or'S-Millstones Golden Sunny
Chien D Or's Cprflds Forever N Bliss (OFA GR-EL18692F26-VPI)
Chien D'Or's Jasmine Moon (OFA GR-EL21271F28-VPI)
UKC Ch. Coveyhill Millstone Aholeinone (OFA GR-EL20944F24-VPI)
Coveyhill's Right Wing
Coveyhill's SheShootsSheScores
Coveyhill Gold Medal Swimmer
Coveyhill Scout's Honour
UKC Ch. Coveyhill Millstone Agoodsport (OFA GR-EL20964F24-VPI)
Coveyhill's Quick Quarter Miler
Bramvista Power Play
Coveyhill's I Luv Hockey
Bramvista Breakaway Pass
Copperfield's Good Golly Ms. Mollie (OFA GR-EL32442F25-VPI)
Dezirays Hey There Delilah
Kingdom Hearts Jolly Saint Nikolas
UKC CH. Copperfields Exceeding The Limit (OFA GR-EL27297M25-VPI)
IntCH Seasons Golden Devine Quincy (OFA GR-EL17192M24-PI)
INT. CH Copperfields Bear N With Me (OFA GR-EL17322M25-PI)
Seasons Golden Paisley
UKC CH & AKC CH Dogwoods Morning Star Miracle (OFA GR-EL17706M27-VPI)
Seasons Golden Elegance (OFA GR-EL17931F28-VPI)
BIS CH Morningstar Must Be Dreaming OS SDHF (OFA GR-EL18688M33-VPI)
Seasons Golden True Romance
Cotton Candi Heritage Rock (OFA GR-EL25569F24-VPI)
Seasons Golden Essence (OFA GR-EL23516F24-VPI)
Copperfield's Eye's On The Prize (OFA GR-EL25660F24-VPI)
Seasons Golden Frosting (OFA GR-EL26598F28-VPI)
Copperfields Causing A Commotion
Seasons Golden Whimsical Nature (OFA GR-EL26597F28-VPI)
Copperfield's Covered in Confetti (OFA GR-EL27933F26-VPI)
Seasons Golden Woodwind Delillah (OFA GR-EL27807F25-VPI)
Am/Can CH GFA's Love Makes the World Go Round (OFA GR-EL8591M24-PI)
GFA's Our Faith Reaches Him (OFA GR-EL8549F24-PI)
TH.CH GFA's Grace Will Carry You
GFA Love Honor and Obey
Windwood's Mistymoonlight
Copperfield's Out On A Whim (OFA GR-EL20060F24-VPI)
Seasons Golden Solace (OFA GR-EL23806F24-VPI)
Int'l CH Seasons Golden Masters Sketch CD OAP NJP CGC (OFA GR-EL23807M24-VPI)
Seasons Golden Whispering Wind
Copperfields She's So California (OFA GR-EL23808F24-VPI)

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