
Golden Retriever

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Aramis my Golden Friend of Quaxsus

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Aramis my Golden Friend of Quaxsus
Deshanelle Designet Dessert of Quaxsus (9 years)
Aron Comander of Quaxsus
Adino the King of Quaxsus
Arthus my Dream of Quaxsus
Abraham the Lord of Quaxsus
Amira the Queen of Quaxsus
Amber sweet Goblin of Quaxsus
Amelia my Sunshine of Quaxsus
Asja the Lady of Quaxsus
Amica sweet Inspiration of Quaxsus
Darvin Daylight of Quaxsus
Daddy's Dream-Boy of Quaxsus
Dedication Day by Day of Quaxsus
Dervion Dudny Droplef of Quaxsus
Dayan Special Selection of Quaxsus
Dance to Dorothy's Pipe of Quaxsus
Dwina Irstar's Decision of Quaxsus
Darinka Dountess Daughter of Quaxsus
Desdemona Dewdrop of Quaxsus
Multi Ch. Styal Solar
Int, It, France, Swiss,VDH. CH Styal Samourai
Styal Soliloquay
Styal Sandpiper
Styal Solamente Of Nortonwood
Int., Bel. & VDH. CH. Styal Sungleam
Eng. SH. CH. Nortonwood Checkmate (13 years)
Eng. CH. Davern Figaro
Davern Fennella
Davern Fergus
Eng. SH. CH. Nortonwood Canella
Nortonwood Challenger
Nortonwood Dakota of Kulawand
Styal Solacea
Styal Saratoga
Eng. SH. CH. Styal Shakespeare
Can. CH Styal Squire Of Nortonwood Can. WC OS
Styal Souvenir Of Nortonwood
Styal Samarkand
Int./Span. CH Styal Sacilia
Styal Star of Swiftway
Eng. CH. Styal Scott Of Glengilde (14.5 years)
Eng. SH. Ch. Styal Shelley of Maundale
Eng. CH. Nortonwood Faunus (12.5 years)
Nortonwood Feronia of Dewmar
Nortonwood Fides
Nortonwood Fortuna of Camrose
Eng. CH. Styal Susila (12.5 years)
Styal Scion of Broadweir
Styal Sophocles of Andred
Styal Sabre Of Dooneryan
Styal Stroller
Styal Spinner
Styal Syltasha
Styal Simone
Styal Simona
Styal Sybella
Eng. CH. Styal Stefanie of Camrose (13.5 years)
Dt/VDH CH. A Wise Decision of Lesmona
Dt. Ch. Aron the First of Lesmona
NO UCH Waterloo's Yankee SOS
NO UCH Bramhills Saxon
Bramhills Starshine
Bramhills Saffron Of Nortonwood
Bramhill's Zeventh Heaven
Bramhills Sweet Cecily Of Gloret
Bramhills Silver Birch
Bramhills Spruce
Honnicorn av Vervik
West Jutlands Queen Anne Linda
West Jutlands Quercus
West Jutland Golden Snoopy
West Jutlands Fair Lady
West Jutlands Leonora
West Jutlands Nike (14 years)
West Jutlands Najade

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