
Golden Retriever

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Hailix Golden Fiery Cin?ed of Scone

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Hailix Golden Fiery Cin?ed of Scone (FCI A1/A1)
Hailix Golden Fiery Faithful Floyd (FCI A1/A1)
Hailix Golden Fiery Fast Flow (FCI A1/A1)
Hailix Golden Fiery Fearless Flair (FCI A2/B2)
Hailix Golden Fiery Free Foxglove (FCI A1/A2)
Hailix Golden Fiery Black Forrest (FCI A1/A1)
Hailix Golden Fiery Fair Finja (FCI A1/A1)
Hailix Golden Fiery For your eyes only (FCI C1/C1)
Hailix Golden Fiery Fresh Breeze (FCI A1/A1)
Hailix Golden Fiery Flame of Faith (FCI B1/B2)
Back to the Roots Jameson
FTAW Think Twice Zinger (FCI A)
GB FT Ch Think Twice Zero To Hero (BVA 3:4)
Think Twice Ziguli (B/A)
Think Twice Zero Option (FCI A)
Think Twice Zeroes (FCI A)
Think Twice Zealous (BVA 19:21)
Think Twice Zulu (FCI A)
Think Twice Zero in Condotta (FCI B)
FTAW Kaliture Finn (BVA 7/5)
FTW Kaliture Cuinn By Ashmhorgold (3:3)
Kaliture Cathmor (BVA 3/3)
Kaliture Fire Cracker At Hartleyjean (BVA 3/7)
Kaliture Fires Of Alamo
Kaliture Forget Me Not
ITFTCH Kaliture Gra Go Deo (FCI A/A)
Kaliture Is Mise Mor (BVA 5/5)
Kaliture Mystique (BVA 7/9)
Kaliture Rooster (BVA 12/10)
Kaliture Thats Jazz
Kaliture Will Scarlet
Kaliture Ruby Wishes
Kaliture Mo Anam Cara of Auchencloch (BVA 4/6)
Kaliture Deep Secret
IntFtCh ItFtCh ITChampionshipWinner Think Twice Go Get It (BVA 3:3)
Think Twice George Gershwin (BVA 4:3)
TrFr Think Twice Ginger Tam's Bella Coola (FCI B)
Back to the Roots Ivy
Back to the roots Islay
Soinneanta Finnegan (A2)
Soinneanta Golden Syrup (A1/A1)
Soinneanta Gorse of Holywear (BVA 7/8)
Back to the roots Greta
Back to the Roots Hunter (A2)
Back to the Roots Gold-Skin Jack (A2/A2)
Hailix Golden Bonfires Hot Pepper (FCI A1/A1)
Souter Fennel (A/A)
Souter Red Hot Chilli At Roughbeat (BVA 7/4)
FTW Souter Tabasco at Roughbeat (BVA 4/4)
FTW Souter Zeus (BVA 10/6)
Souter Athena (BVA 7/7)
Souter Freya
Souter Zoro (BVA 9/13)
FTW Souter Romulus at Millgreen (BVA 5/6)
Souter Inca Gold
Souter Rhea
Souter Appollo (BVA 30/32)
Deepfleet Anna (BVA 4/6)
Deepfleet Antoinette (BVA 36/37)
Deepfleet Avocet (BVA 7/7)
Limetrees Golden Believe in Jona (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Brotzki's Don Yenko (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Be Easy (FCI A1/B1)
Limetrees Golden Boogie Woogie (FCI A)
Limetrees Golden Anouk (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Abbygail (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Amali
Limetrees Golden Amalia (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Amber (FCI A1)
Limetrees Golden Ari (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Arlee Matho (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Asics (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Beautiful Finja (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Beautiful Summer (FCI A1)
Limetrees Golden Brave Heart (FCI A2)
Limetrees Golden Bright Kaya (FCI B1/B2)
Limetrees Golden Bright Nayla (FCI A1)
Cricket's Anouk (B2)
Cricket's Amber (A2)
Cricket's Aponi (A2)
Cricket's Admiral Nelson (C1)
Cricket's Akira (A2)
Cricket's Agent (A2)
Cricket's Alice (A2)
Cricket's Athos (A2)
Cricket's Arrow (A2)
Cricket's April (B2)
Cricket's Aston (A1)
Cay'lox Cara Larimar (A2/A2)
Cay'lox Clever Lolith
Cay'lox Courteous Rhodonit (A2/A2)
Cay'lox Cassiterit
Cay'lox Chesper T?rkis (A2/A2)
Cay'lox Caspar Howlith (C1/C1)
Cay'lox Cody Spinell (A1/A1)
Cay'lox Caylah Aventurin
Cay'lox Cerussit (A1/A2)
Cay'lox Coromita (A2/A2)
Cay'lox Chrysanthem Lysben (C1/A2)

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